“Animalist” in “Le Monde”, from “the abbot of the beasts” to “welfarism”

VS‘is recurring news before the holidays and 2021 is no exception to the rule: “Despite reluctance, several green cities ban foie gras from their receptions”, announced The world December 8, triggering the ire of 56 city councilors in Périgord. If Christmas awakens sensitivity to the animal cause, The world has long echoed the animalistic turn in contemporary ethics.

The first time that the newspaper wrote the word “animalist”, it was from the pen of its correspondent in Rome, Patrice Claude, on July 7, 1990. He then wrote a column. “A pension as big as the Bible”, written by Don Mario Canciani, a “Animalist priest” of the Eternal City, nicknamed “the abbot of the beasts”. [Il] is absolutely convinced of this, writes the journalist: Jesus of Nazareth was a vegetarian and so were the apostles. “ “It is following the usurpation of the power of the Church by the rich landowners that the rite would have been deviated, to the point of advocating the sacrifice of the paschal lamb. “

At the time, we speak of the “soul” of animals, but in quotes. The following years, The world only evokes, here and there, spectacular anti-fur actions claimed by the animalist current. Until October 4, 2008. In World 2, JP Gén takes a radical position in the “Taste” section: “To eat rabbit would be cruel and reprehensible. And condemned if it was only up to the “animalist” activists. A good gibelotte shows that no one has to listen to them. “ He laments, ironically, “The development of the concept of animal welfare” and take out the sulphate: “I love vegetables, but I hate dictators, especially those who dictate what to eat in the name of religious, moralistic or hygienic precepts. ”

The political turning point

It was urgent to rebalance the editorial line… On November 12, 2009, in the form of an alphabet book, the philosopher Elisabeth de Fontenay delivers “His philosophy of relations between man and animal”. From the letter A, his position is clear: “Soul: an animal is an animated being and to be animated is to have a soul. A soul, that is to say the vital principle which makes that an individual can move and be moved. “ We see two currents of thought germinating under his pen, now structured and antagonistic, when it arrives at the letter S, as “Specist: this is the word by which the“ animalists ”qualify the“ humanists ”. Built on the model of “racism” and “sexism”, it would make it possible to condemn humanity, this species among the species which abusively considers itself different and enjoying an unlimited right over “non-human” animals. ”

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