Animals in Video: This newly discovered breed of cats looks amazing!

What could a cross between a cat and a fox look like? This newly discovered cat breed answers the question – in the video you can get your own picture of it!

The little fox cat has always been a myth, but it has recently been recognized as a true breed of cats. The fox cat really does exist!

The research shows that the DNA of the cats differs from that of other European wild cats. Therefore, they are recognized and protected as a separate breed. The cats are red, about 90 cm long, have very large ears, short whiskers and well-developed fangs. Their tails are longer and fluffier than normal cats: you can clearly see the influence of a fox.

The fur is red with a few gray patches on the belly, which makes them easy to recognize. Domestication is probably not possible in the near future, but you can look and be amazed.
