Anna-Maria Ferchichi: New photo with her “miracle”

The celebrity news of the day in the GALA ticker: Anna-Maria Ferchichi dedicates touching words to daughter Amaya +++ Laura Maria Rypa posts a new picture of her baby bump +++ Despite sister Zoff: Daniela Katzenberger congratulates sister Jenny on the birth.

The celebrity news of the day in the GALA ticker

October 2, 2022

Anna-Maria Ferchichi and Bushido dedicate touching lines to their daughter Amaya

Anna-Maria Ferchichi, 40, enjoys spending time with her children in her new adopted home of Dubai. The little triplets in particular demand your full attention. Last year it was not at all certain that all three would make it into the world alive and well. Daughter Amaya was calculated in the womb low chances of survival. In the meantime, however, she is in no way inferior to her sisters, as evidenced by new recordings that Anna-Maria shares on Instagram.

“You defied all the statistics and persevered to be with us!!! You are my miracle, Amaya,” are the touching lines she dedicates to her daughter. And Papa Bushido, 44, also gets very emotional when he thinks about the little ones’ bumpy start. “Words fail me when I think about the last year. As tiny as she may be, her heart is that of a lion,” comments the rapper under the photo of his favorites.

September 30, 2022

Laura Maria Rypa posts a new picture of her baby bump

On August 20, Pietro Lombardi, 30, and Laura Maria Rypa announced the good news that they are expecting their first child together. Since then, of course, there has hardly been any other topic for the two of them than the future with the offspring. A month later, both revealed at a gender reveal party that it will be a boy, Pietro’s second son.

So far, however, Laura Maria has remained a mystery. Now the fans have even more opportunity to speculate about the possible date of birth. The influencer posted a new photo of herself with a significantly growing baby bump. “I think the time is over when I could hide my stomach,” Laura Maria wrote about the snapshot, which shows her in black in front of a mirror.

Laura Maria Rypa shows her baby bump


Despite sister Zoff: Daniela Katzenberger congratulates sister Jenny on the birth

Happy birthday Jenny Frankhauser, 30! The influencer and her partner Steffen König announced the birth of their son on Instagram. Mama Iris Klein, 55, also shared the first photo with Damian Andreas König’s little hand, the name of the baby. And what about Jenny’s sister Daniela Katzenberger, 35?

Recently it was said that Jenny and Daniela had fallen out again, and Mama Iris was somehow involved in the argument. In her podcast “Katze und Cordalis” Daniela was critical of the bitching. She cannot understand that such problems always have to be dealt with in public and finds both her sister and her mother annoying. As a reason for the argument, Daniela indicated that Jenny and Iris were tired of being in the shadow of the famous cat.

Has this quarrel been resolved in the meantime? One does not know. But Daniela at least congratulated her sister on the birth by also posting the photo in her story and commenting “Welcome little prince” and adding three red hearts. That would be a start.

Daniela Katzenberger congratulates her sister Jenny Frankhauser on the birth

Daniela Katzenberger congratulates her sister Jenny Frankhauser on the birth


September 28, 2022

Nathalie Volk: During her training as a boxer, she gave a girl “a black eye”

Ex-GNTM participant Nathalie Volk, 25, likes to reinvent herself. During her relationship with “Hells Angels” rocker Timur A., ​​she changed her style and appearance. Then came the professional reorientation: She would like to take off as an actress in Hollywood. Now she is focusing on martial arts and wants to have her first cage fight soon. Compared to “Bild” she says that the idea for her new hobby came to her when she had the tattoos on her hand removed with a laser a few months ago, which caused it to swell. Her hands would have looked like after a boxing match, which would have inspired her to discover the sport for herself.

“The sport has become like a drug for me” – the martial art “Mixed Material Arts” combines various full-contact sports, such as boxing, kickboxing, taekwondo, karate, wrestling and jiu-jitsu. During training, she accidentally also “a Girl got a black eye. That happens sometimes,” says the model to “Bild.” Soon she wants to go to Thailand for a few months, turn off her cell phone and train the Thai martial art “Muay Thai” every day.

September 27, 2022

Jenny Elvers reveals: Son Paul has a girlfriend

It has almost become a tradition: Jenny Elvers, 50, her ex Alex Jolig, 59, and his wife Britt Jolig, 55, meet for late night shopping in the Alstertal-Einkaufszentrum (AEZ) to chat about the past and news. And there was even one of these news for the press at the last Late Night Shopping. It’s about Jenny and Alex’s son Paul Jolig, 21, who often accompanies his mother to events. The four of them regularly prove how well patchwork works for them.

In the future there could even be a fifth person – if not on the red carpet: Paul’s girlfriend! It was not yet known that the 21-year-old was in safe hands. It also remains unclear who the young lady is. She stayed outside of the press crowd and quite consciously: “We keep her completely out of the public eye,” Jenny explains to RTL. And there are no couple photos or declarations of love on Paul’s Instagram profile either. It’s a pity really, but this will certainly be the right decision for Paul’s girlfriend.

September 26, 2022

Sarah Harrison sick? Finally she reveals her diagnosis

Now Sarah Harrison, 31, finally says what’s going on. In mid-September, the influencer informed her followers that she had to leave her adopted home of Dubai and travel to Germany – without her husband Dominic Harrison, 31, and their daughters Mia Rose, 4, and Kyla, 2.

Sarah said that this was for health reasons and that she wanted to have a thorough check-up because she was not feeling well physically. The former “Bachelor” participant did not reveal more. And even a few days later, when Sarah had a diagnosis, she withheld the details for now. She wanted to process all of this for herself first and find out more, the mother of two now justifies herself in her Instagram story. But what is Sarah missing now?

“I’ve developed a gluten intolerance. That means I have to change my entire diet. At first it was a very strange feeling because it’s very tasty things that I just have to do without now. It’s okay for me now. Since six days I am gluten free. I can see and feel how I am getting better day by day. I have an appetite again, I can eat, my nights are getting better, my symptoms are disappearing.”

Sarah is now back in Dubai and is busy showing her many gluten-free products to her fans. From now on she wants to give herself more rest, take time for herself and pay attention to her body.

Reconciliation? Raúl Richter and Vanessa Schmitt are probably a couple again

It’s been three months since ex-GZSZ actor Raúl Richter, 35, announced the separation from Vanessa Schmitt on Instagram. While Raúl refrained from expressing feelings, Vanessa showed her pain openly. “I’m still not feeling well. I still feel empty, I’m extremely weak and, above all, very tired. […] I have to make sure that I can move forward now. It’s only been a week since the breakup. But it can’t be that I vegetate in front of myself. i only have one life […] I’m slowly trying to get my life back on track. It will take a while, that’s clear,” she explained to her fans in a video. There was quick speculation as to what exactly the reason for the separation could be, but the two have not yet commented on this topic.

Now there are many indications that Raúl and Vanessa are a couple again. Both are in Milan for Fashion Week right now, posting very similar videos with the same coffee mug against the same background, and both talking about visiting the Duomo in their stories. Raúl even added Santo E Johnny’s “And I Love Her” to his video. Just a coincidence? Raúl and Vanessa now have a lot of experience with social media and know very well that such tips lead to speculation.

Raul Richter

Celebrity news from the past few weeks

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