Anna-Maria Ferchichi: She blames herself for Amaya’s mortal danger

Anna Maria Ferchichi
Problem child Amaya in mortal danger: That’s why she blames herself

Anna Maria Ferchichi

© RTL+

Anna-Maria Ferchichi and Bushido went through pregnancy hell. Problem child Amaya was in danger several times – for which the mother of eight in the new documentary partly blames herself.

During their triple pregnancy in 2021, Anna-Maria Ferchichi, 40, and Bushido, 44, feared for the life of their “problem child” Amaya. In their new, multi-part RTL+ documentary “Bushido – RESET”, the parents now describe new details of their unbearable nightmare – a time in which they had to fear for the life of one of their triplets to the end. Anna-Maria in particular makes serious allegations.

Anna-Maria Ferchichi and Bushido make pregnancy nightmare public in August 2021

In August 2021, shortly after their triplet pregnancy was announced, Anna-Maria and Bushido made the unbelievable public. “With every ultrasound, a new diagnosis awaits us,” recalled Anna-Maria. A girl is said to be “disabled and [werde] probably not survive”. The doctor showed them two options: “to let nature do its thing or, in order not to endanger the other two, to deliberately kill one child”. The latter was out of the question for the couple until the end of the pregnancy. They decided opted for the former – even after the second shocking news came that her problem child’s heart was too weak.It was assumed that Amaya had not much longer to live…

New details in the new documentary: suspected problem child Amaya on triploidy

In episode three of their new documentary “Bushido – RESET”, Anna-Maria and Bushido live through this nightmare again. First of all, the mother of eight, who now lives with her family in Dubai, reveals what kind of disability the doctors initially suspected of Amaya: a so-called triploidy. Unborn babies with such a chromosomal disorder suffer from a “massive growth disorder” and “virtually cannot survive,” explains Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Henrich, clinic director for obstetrics at the Charité Berlin and doctor of the couple, in the documentary.

Anna-Maria didn’t want to believe that because she felt and saw on ultrasound scans that Amaya would develop well. Nevertheless, she and Bushido were determined to raise a disabled child. In order to be sure whether Amaya really suffers from the chromosomal disorder and out of concern about endangering her other babies, Anna-Maria Ferchichi decided to have an amniotic fluid test, in which the amniotic sac is punctured.

Anna-Maria in tears: “I felt so guilty”

The examination went well, but it happened at home: “My waters burst. They really burst, it was a torrent,” recalls Ferchichi through tears. Panic broke out, Anna-Maria had to go to the hospital. On July 2, 2021, Bushido shared a picture of her hand in the clinic, the couple is only now revealing the reason for their stay in the documentation. “The lungs need amniotic fluid because the baby in the womb pushes amniotic fluid back and forth in the airways. This leads to positive lung development. If they don’t have amniotic fluid, they can’t breathe in the womb, then the lungs don’t develop and the chest can don’t grow. These children can’t breathe properly after birth,” explains Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Henrich.

After the amniocentesis, Anna-Maria Ferchichi's amniotic sac burst.  In the documentary, she blames herself and cries bitterly.

After the amniocentesis, Anna-Maria Ferchichi’s amniotic sac burst. In the documentary, she blames herself and cries bitterly.

© RTL+

Fortunately, the lab gave the all-clear shortly afterwards that Amaya was not suffering from the chromosomal disorder. Nevertheless, she is now in mortal danger due to the ruptured amniotic sac. Shortly thereafter, Anna-Maria was in the hospital bed and had made serious allegations. “If it hadn’t been for the amniotic fluid test. […] I have endangered my healthy child. I endangered her siblings. All because I needed clarity. I had such a strong feeling of guilt because I knew I had caused it,” says Anna-Maria through bitter tears. Fortunately, the amniotic sac closed again. According to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Henrich, this is “in 50 percent of the cases” after such an event investigation like this.

Next shock: supply problems with Anna-Maria Ferchichi’s problem child

The danger was initially averted. Then the next shock: Amaya is not sufficiently supplied via the umbilical cord, there is a so-called “zero flow”. The doctor would have told them that the heart supply did not look good and that the parents should be prepared not to have three healthy children, said Bushido. According to Anna-Maria, children with such a diagnosis would only survive up to “14 days after birth.” She and Bushido decided to “let nature do its thing”, hoping and afraid that Amaya would make it. The little one struggled and really made it. A miracle – until today.

Sources used: Documentary “Bushido – RESET” accessed at RTL+,


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