Anna-Maria Ferchichi: She shares her little baby’s big milestone

The celebrity news of the day in the GALA ticker: Anna-Maria Ferchichi’s baby Naima can stand +++ Daniela Büchner’s tears come on her daughter’s 18th birthday +++ Michèle de Roos wants an engagement for Christmas.

The celebrity news of the day in the GALA ticker

November 26, 2022

Anna-Maria Ferchichi Celebrates Baby Naima Milestone

A few weeks ago, Anna-Maria Ferchichi’s, 41, triplets celebrated their first birthday. Now the mother of eight and wife of rapper Bushido, 44, can look forward to another milestone.

Baby Naima “stands all alone for the first time!!! My heart,” says Anna-Maria happily and immediately shares a photo of the special moment in her Instagram story. Naima still wobbles a little unsteadily, but she can stand without any help. How great!


November 25, 2022

Daniela Büchner: Tears come to her daughter’s birthday

The 18th birthday of a child is usually more emotional for many parents than for the children themselves. The entry into adult life is just around the corner and the start of independence is imminent. For mother of five Daniela Büchner, 44, the step into the majority of her children is an emotional event. In her Instagram story, the 44-year-old gets emotional. The reason: her daughter Jada’s 18th birthday.

The single mother shares with her followers how happy and proud she is of her children and says:
“I am very emotional […] I feel so much love and pride […] I really do have the bravest and bravest kids.”

Michèle de Roos wants an engagement for Christmas

Michèle de Roos, 29, has very clear wishes for Christmas: sweets, a MacBook, an iPad and … an engagement. The former “Bachelor” candidate shares this in a short video on TikTok, where she presents her wish list. The influencer tops the speculation of the last few days that Michèle and ex-“Bachelor” Niko Griesert, 33, would approach each other again after the breakup. The two are in a “new discovery phase,” Michèle explained to her followers when they saw signs of a comeback. Does the finding phase actually include a marriage proposal?

It is possible that Michèle Niko wants to give a hint with the TikTok video. Or she just wants to provoke or entertain her fans a bit. In the next few weeks, users should definitely pay attention to Michèle Ringfinger!

November 24, 2022

Robert Geiss: He reveals details about his impressive account balance

They have been the unusual German flagship millionaires on TV for eleven years: Robert Geiss, 58, and his wife Carmen, 57, regularly present their luxurious in their very own charming and funny way in the reality documentary “Die Geissens – A Terribly Glamorous Family”. Living in Monaco and St. Tropez. There is no question that the Rhinelanders are financially secure. But how heavy her bank account really is has so far remained her secret. Now, however, entrepreneur Robert is surprisingly letting his fans guess what his fortune is like. “I’ve got the 100 million euros,” reveals the entrepreneur in the current episode of the “OMR” podcast. “That’s the pension, that’s the basis so that I can still live peacefully at the age of 70.”

The 58-year-old has managed wisely in the past, it seems: the first million flowed when he sold the fashion label “Uncle Sam”, which he founded with his brother. The brand, which has existed since the 1980s, was sold in 1995 for 140 million marks. Robert now focuses on real estate and stocks. But he doesn’t seem to count himself among the top ten thousand – and that’s due to his main residence: “Monaco has the advantage that we don’t feel really rich. Because people walk around here and your shoes fall out.”

November 23, 2022

Natascha Ochsenknecht: Funny revenge for ugly comments

Don’t mess with Natascha Ochsenknecht, 58! The TV jack-of-all-trades is known for her quick-wittedness and doesn’t even allow bad moods on her Instagram channel. She is currently taking on all those who accuse her of constantly making small improvements to her optics. The former model posted a collage of photos showing her now and in 1994. At that time, the mother of three was 30 years old.

As usual, Natascha writes provocatively: “I always find it super interesting when people comment: ‘Who is she?’, or ‘I don’t recognize her anymore.’ Did I have facial surgery that I don’t know about? Funny enough, my neighbors still say hello to me. Weird.” The only change on the head is obviously reversible: “I give nature on the left and colored on the right [sic].” She will certainly be forgiven for this intervention in nature.

Ina from “Coupleontour” is allowed to go home again

The terrible stroke of fate of the successful “Coupleontour” couple Ina, 26, and Nessi, 26, is now more than four months ago. After Ina suffered a severe stroke at the age of 26 and was even in a coma, her partner Nessi went into labor a day later. After a long period of recovery, Ina is finally allowed to visit her wife and their daughter Olivia Rose at home for a weekend.

Full of anticipation, Nessi shares her preparations on Instagram. She thought of surprises and made sure that her loved one felt completely at ease. Ina reports on her weekend at home on her shared Instagram account: “I realized how much I miss everything and that I would like to be with my family. But it also gave me strength to continue to go to another place for my family to fight.” Despite the difficult circumstances, the young couple is positive about the future.

The influencers are followed by over 2.5 million followers on Instagram. There they report regularly about their everyday family life as a lesbian couple.

November 21, 2022

Anna-Maria Ferchichi is proud of her triplets’ milestone

On November 11, 2022, Naima, Leonora and Amaya celebrated their first birthday. The triplets are the pride of Bushido, 44, and Anna-Maria Ferchichi, 41. The couple spent the months before their birth fearing for the life of Amaya, who had low chances of survival. Today, Anna-Maria can hardly believe her luck when she walks into her little ones’ room in the morning and sees them in their beds. She is now also proud to share a little milestone of the triplets.

“They’re standing now when you come in the morning … and they always look so proud!!! My heart,” writes the 41-year-old for a photo that shows two of her daughters in pink pajamas in their cots. Beaming, they welcome their mom, who understandably melts away at the sight.

Anna-Maria Ferchichi: She shares her little baby's big milestone


Celebrity news from the past week

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Source used:, podcast “OMR”

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