Anna-Maria Ferchichi: This is what her 14-year-old half-siblings look like today

Sarah Connor
That’s how tall her 14-year-old twin brothers are today

© dpa / Britta Pedersen / Picture Alliance

At the age of 50, Sarah Connor’s mother Soraya Lewe-Tacke gave birth again. Snapshots from a sibling meeting show how big the twins Mick and Lex Lewe-Tacke are now.

The family around Bushidos, 43, wife Anna-Maria Ferchichi, 40, and singer Sarah Connor, 42, is huge. The sisters have become mothers a total of twelve times themselves, and some of their offspring are already in their teens. But they also have young twin brothers. Because in 2008 her mother Soraya Lewe-Tacke gave birth to two more children at the age of 50: Mick and Lex Lewe-Tacke, 14. Sarah’s sister Sophia-Luisa “Lulu” Lewe, 30, now has rare pictures with the two shared on her Instagram story.

Anna-Maria Ferchichi + Sarah Connor: Sibling meetings with their half brothers

Like her mother, Anna-Maria Ferchichi has eight children, which means that she and Sarah Connor each have seven brothers and sisters. How well the Lewe siblings, some of whom are very famous, get along was only recently made clear during the family wedding bash of sister “Lulu” near Berlin. Only Anna-Maria and the twin boys did not appear on any Instagram snapshot. Was it because of the former police protection and the upcoming emigration to Dubai? You do not know exactly.

Valentina, Mick and "lulu" Lewe

Valentina, Mick and “Lulu” Lewe


Mick and Lex Lewe-Tacke have grown into young men

But what is certain is that the Lewe siblings are now spending time together again. “Lulus” and Valentina’s, 26, photos show how big their 14-year-old half-brothers have become, who come from Soraya’s marriage to Jürgen Tacke.

Mike, "lulu"and Lex Lewe

Mick, “Lulu”, and Lex Lewe


Brother Robin Lewe, 34, and “Lulus” husband Basti Scheibe, with whom she has been married since 2020, were also part of the party. It’s a rare sight. The boys are usually kept out of the limelight by their families, so Lex and Mick don’t get to be seen very often. But now “Lulu” and Valentina made a nice exception.

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