Anne Hidalgo, mother of Arthur, 22 years old: a relationship not always simple between the mayor of Paris and her youngest son

By Louise Martin | Editor

Koh Lanta, Les Marseillais but also Married at First Looks… Louise Martin is a televore who tries, in her spare time, to remake the cakes she admires in front of the Best Pastry Chef… but she is not likely to win the blue apron! Social networks have no secrets for her, the latest scoops, the latest shows, she knows them all. She scrutinizes the lives of your favorite stars and admires Nicky Doll’s outfits a little too much in Drag Race France. Little neck pleasure

Emblematic mayor of Paris for many years now, Anne Hidalgo has not always had good relations with her younger son Arthur. It was her husband Jean-Marc Germain who raised this subject in the columns of “Vogue” magazine.

Anne Hidalgo, mother of Arthur, 22 years old: a relationship not always simple between the mayor of Paris and her youngest son

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Holder of a master’s degree in labor social sciences and a DEA in social and union law, Anne Hidalgo served as a labor inspector for several years before officially entering politics. It was in 1994 that she first signed up for the Socialist Party. Barely three years later, she began working in several ministerial offices. In 2001, she ran for municipal elections in Paris, to lead the Socialist Party list in the 15th arrondissement of the capital. At the end of the vote, Anne Hidalgo obtained her first elective mandate by becoming district councilor. She also joined the Council of Paris in parallel. Deputy until 2014, Anne Hidalgo will be elected that year to the post of Mayor of Paristhus becoming the first woman to hold these positions.

On the private side, Anne Hidalgo was married for the first time in 1979 to one of her university classmates, Philippe Jantet. Together, the couple had two children, named Matthieu and Elsa respectively. His eldest son now works as a lawyer, while his daughter has embarked on a career as an engineer. After her separation from the father of her children, Anne Hidalgo found love again in the arms of the polytechnician and politician Jean-Marc Germain. Together, they had a boy named Arthur, born in 2001. The latter recently made headlines by swimming across the Channel and the Seine. Asked about the relationship between Anne Hidalgo and her youngest son, Jean-Marc Germain was rather blunt: “When he was younger, Anne and him, it was day and night“, he admitted.

Anne Hidalgo’s son was one of the candidates for Ninja Warrior on TF1

Today, they have the same goals, if I dare say so. Anne is very proud of her son and Arthur is also proud of his mother“, he also added, suggesting that the chaotic relationships are now behind them. During this same interview, Jean-Marc Germain also revealed a rather amusing anecdote about his partner: “When the children were little, she often tended to make the same dish due to lack of time: her famous baked halibut fillets. It makes them laugh a lot today“, specified Anne Hidalgo’s husband. For the record, Arthur Germain had made people talk about him through numerous sporting challenges and in particular by participating in the show Ninja Warrior on TF1.

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