Anne Holmes appointed director of programs for France Télévisions

Héloïse Goy, with Alexis Patri

France Télévisions changes program director and announces the appointment to this post of Anne Holmes, hitherto director of fiction for the public audiovisual group. The new program director of France Télévisions finds a seat that she had occupied on an interim basis from October to November 2021.

France Télévisions changes program director. And it will now be a director: Anne Holmes. Until then director of fiction for the public audiovisual group in which she has worked for 15 years, Anne Holmes therefore also becomes the director of programs for France Télévisions. She will replace Diego Buñuel, who arrived in this position in 2020. We owe him in particular the playoffs Captain Marleau, The French Village and The adventures of young Voltaire.

Anne Holmes has also worked on several adaptations, including the miniseries Laetitia (inspired by the story of the murder of Laëtitia Perrais) and the TV movie Elementary particles (inspired by Michel Houellebecq’s bestseller).

Taking up a position after an interim period

It will not be the first time that Anne Holmes will direct the programs of the public audiovisual group: in October and November last, she had already replaced her predecessor Diego Buñuel on an interim basis. He was then withdrawn from the public company, after being accused of rape by his ex-wife. After a filing without follow-up to the complaint, Diego Buñuel had finally returned to his duties at the end of last year.

According to our colleagues from puremediasDiego Buñuel leaves his position as director of programs to host a new version of the show Thalassaon France 3. He will replace the current presenter, Sandrine Quindou.

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