Anne Parillaud: why did she want to stop acting after the success of “Nikita”? : Current Woman Le MAG

She is one of the most famous actresses of her generation. Anne Parillaud is back on the stage at the Simone Berriau theater until Saturday June 1, 2024. With Laura Laune, they play in Annick Cojean’s play, I wouldn’t have gotten there if… Both of them carry the voices of women who have left their mark on their communities such as Amélie Nothomb, Nancy Huston, Emma Thompson…. They take their words full of wisdom and transform them into a vibrant conversation, where curiosity and kindness light up each word, thus illuminating universal truths. And it is to promote this new project that she was invited Tuesday May 7, 2024 on the set of It’s up to you. Faced with Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and her columnists, Anne Parillaud took the opportunity to look back on her great career in cinema.

Anne Parillaud: “I’m not going to torture myself all my life being on a screen”

Career which began in the 1990s thanks to Luc Besson who offered him the role of Nikita in the eponymous film. A feature film which opened the doors to success for her, and which even allowed her to win the César for best actress in 1991. And yet, this film almost ended her career in the world of cinema, like her he told the journalist. In fact, she couldn’t stand seeing herself on screen: “Ah yes, I wanted to quit cinema” assures Alain Delon’s ex. Anne Parillaud then added: “Indeed, I have a relationship problem with myself and a lack of love due to the fact that it was not built for me. But in addition, suddenly, seeing myself on a screen and not liking myself , it’s so violent that we say to ourselves, I’m not going to torture myself all my life being on a screen and not appreciating what I can try to embody there. Fortunately, this resentment did not take over and Anne Parillaud continued this good momentum. “But at the same time, it was what entirely determined my path, because the fact of not relating to myself saved me from other traps, from being satisfied, from never looking further, beyond”she concluded.

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