Annoying craft toys: 7 things that leave a lot of work behind

Help, my child wants to do handicrafts …
Toys that children love – but parents don’t at all!

© A3pfamily / Shutterstock

We really love it from the bottom of our hearts when our little ones have fun playing. But sometimes the toys just leave a lot of work behind …

So that our children can keep themselves busy, we buy all kinds of Klimbim. Whether for painting, handicrafts or just to have fun – the main thing is that the child is happy. That is, almost. Because handicraft utensils in particular leave a lot of cleaning work behind after playing. In the Urbia communityparents exchanged ideas about what particularly annoys them. We scanned the answers once. Above all, these toys were mentioned by the users.

Iron on beads

How do you get these things to the iron safely – almost a Mission Impossible! Apart from the fact that the pearls will appear somewhere on the floor or in the sofa crack for weeks …

Magic sand

A sand that sticks to itself – what fun for children! It’s less fun when the magic sand is then magically distributed throughout the house …

Scratch books

In itself a nice idea to scratch motifs in a book. If only it weren’t for those little black crumbs that behave like magnetic sand and iron-on beads. You already understand.


Yes, it sticks properly. Preferably in carpets. A huge act to get the clay out of there!

Everything with glitter

And there are tons of them Toy! Whether glitter pencil, glitter gel, glitter make-up … they all have one thing in common: It’s just üüüüü everywhere! And no matter how often you wipe again. It always seems to come back on its own.

Finger paints

The good thing about finger paints: The children like to use them. The bad thing about finger paints: The children use them reallyh gladly. And that means that red, blue, yellow and green certainly won’t stay where they actually belong …


The situation is similar with blowpens. As the name suggests, paint is blown onto a sheet of paper. The problem: When you blow, the paint tends to spread across the table. And the little ones’ fingers are as colorful as a rainbow anyway!

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