Anonymous announces that it hacked Russian intelligence services

Alexander Boero

March 18, 2022 at 3:45 p.m.


Anonymous © Pixabay / TheDigitalArtist

© Pixabay / TheDigitalArtist

The Anonymous collective claims to have hacked the Russian secret services this week, thus proving its desire to be a major player in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

After declaring cyber war on Russia at the end of February following the invasion of Ukraine, then hacking Russian television channels to broadcast the real images of the conflict, Anonymous seems to have struck a blow again. This week, the group of hackers announced that it had hacked the servers of the FSB, the Russian secret services (ex-KGB), thus confirming its role on the cyber scene in the conflict between the two neighboring countries, Ukraine and Russia.

The Anonymous would have paralyzed many Russian institutional sites

In their message published on social networks following this hack (which is not 100% verifiable at this stage, let us specify it in full transparency), Anonymous shone using the mention “Tango Down”. This refers to a formula used in various armies to signal that an enemy has been knocked down.

And if we are to believe the assertions of the collective, this is justified. Because indeed, in detail, the hackers were not content to hack the Russian secret services. They also say they have paralyzed the official websites of the city of Moscow, the Russian sports ministry and the government of the Russian Federation.

On the screenshots provided by Anonymous, we see in particular that the sites are completely inaccessible to everyone. It is unknown what technique may have been used to bring down the servers (perhaps a DDoS attack, denial of service attack?).

Anonymous displays the message “ Putin kills children » on live feeds from CCTV cameras located in Russia

Also a few days ago, hackers revealed correspondence between Vladimir Putin and his Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu. During the interview, we hear some comments related to the cutting and sale of Ukrainian forests, no doubt to create new defenses against the yellow and blue army, which is resisting enemy attacks as best they can.

And in recent hours, hackers claiming to be affiliated with the Anonymous collective claim to have hijacked dozens of surveillance cameras located in Russia and broadcasting a live broadcast, to display the message ” Putin kills children “, as well as the number of dead Ukrainian civilians, a message once again signed by the Anonymous collective.

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