Anonymous hackers claim cyberattack on Russian media

The group of hackers “Anonymous” claimed responsibility on Monday for a cyberattack that paralyzed the sites of several Russian media, including those of state agencies, in the wake of computer attacks that have targeted many Russian official sites in recent days.

The group of hackers “Anonymous” claimed responsibility on Monday for a cyberattack that paralyzed the sites of several Russian media, including those of state agencies, in the wake of computer attacks that have targeted many Russian official sites in recent days. For a few minutes, the websites of the state news agencies TASS and RIA Novosti, the Kommersant newspaper, the pro-Kremlin daily Izvestia and the Forbes Russia magazine displayed a message calling for an “end” to the invasion of Ukraine. by Russia. “In a few years we will live like in North Korea. Why do we need this? For Putin to end up in the history books? This is not our war, let’s stop it!”, declared the message . “This message will be deleted and some of us will be fired or even imprisoned. But we can’t take it anymore,” added the text, accusing the journalists of the targeted media of “indifference”. These attacks follow those carried out Thursday by the same group against the sites of the network of the Russian public television channel RT (ex-Russia Today).

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On Saturday, the sites of the Kremlin, the Duma (the lower house of the Russian Parliament) and the Russian Ministry of Defense were offline, an attack also claimed by Anonymous on Twitter. These attacks consist of a “denial of service” (DDOS), which makes the targeted sites inaccessible. The organization NetBlocks, which specializes in monitoring the Internet in the world, also reported in a report on Saturday slow access to the sites of the main Russian telephone operators, such as Rostelecom, MTS, Beeline or Megafon. “We are creating an IT army,” Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister and Digital Minister Mykhailo Fedorov said on Twitter on Saturday, calling on “digital talents” to join its virtual ranks.

To read :War in Ukraine: Darmanin gives details on humanitarian aid and crisis management

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