The RKI gave the seven-day incidence as 1349.5 – this is also a high. For comparison: the day before the value was 1283.2. A week ago, the nationwide incidence was 1073.0 (previous month: 239.9). The current figures reflect the status of the RKI dashboard on Friday morning, 5 a.m.
Experts assume that there will be a high and increasing number of cases that are not recorded in the RKI data, partly because testing capacities and health authorities are at their limits in many places. In addition, some cities and districts have been reporting problems with the transmission of the number of corona cases for days.
According to the new information, 170 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours, just as many as a week ago. The number of people who died in Germany from or involving a proven infection with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 118,504.
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