Another former LoL Worlds player in LFL at the Summer?

Photo: LoL Esports

The French league continues to develop and during the last transfer window, we could see that the structures had a big strike force. We talked a lot about Rekkles, purchased by the Karmine Corp. But the Swede wasn’t the only notable move. We can thus cite the arrivals of Vizicsacsi (GO) and Vander (Misfits Premier), two veterans who knew the Worlds of League of Legends and that we had been used to seeing in LEC rather than in ERL.

Our championship has also been shopping abroad, far from Europe. Mirage Elyandra thus got his hands on a Korean (Rangjun) and a North American (Cody Sun). Between big hits and exoticism, we didn’t have time to get bored during the last transfer window… and it could become a very good habit! The mid-season transfer window between Spring and Summer is generally less lively. But we could see a new player who is worth seeing in the LFL. We are talking about a player who has already played Worlds and MSI and which also comes from a very exotic destination!

A jungler straight from Australia!

The player in question is the jungler Shern “Shernfire” Cherng Tai. This 23-year-old Australian has traveled quite a bit during his career, where he alternated between a lot of NA teams and Oceanian teams. The community surely discovered him during his time at Say Wolves, where he participated in 2 Worlds and 2 MSI in 2017-2018. Of course, teams from Oceania are not especially known for shining in international competitions and Shernfire did not particularly mark the spirits. But we cannot take away his status as a former globalist and his experience at the very highest level remains precious.

We also had the opportunity to see it in LCS at Team Liquid. While he spent the majority of his time with the academy team, he still had some playing time in team one in 2020 to replace Broxah, victim of visa problem. Even if we often make fun of the level of this region, so close but so different from the EU, the LCS remains a major league that matters. Shernfire it is therefore not just anyone and we can congratulate ourselves on having a player of his caliber land in the LFL.

Shernfire, on a mission to save the Spartans?

The Australian is reportedly close to joining the Spartans from Team Oplon. In great difficulty during the Spring Split (2 wins for 16 defeats), the team will have a lot of work to do for the Summer Split. If the counters will be set to zero and a place in the playoffs is theoretically completely playable (and more if affinity), it will still be necessary to pay attention to the race for maintenance. The French teams indeed score circuit points in Spring and Summer and at the end of the year, the two worst performers will have to defend their place in a tournament promoting all dangers, against the two best of Div 2. And at the moment, Team Oplon is on the wrong wagon, but there are still plenty of matches to recover from.

In this context, we understand better where this desire to recruit Shernfire. The team has already replaced a player this year, bringing in Xicor instead of Tiger. This time it would be Bruness who would lose his place… If we don’t change a winning team, it wouldn’t be shocking to change a losing team. Team Oplon must restart the machine and the experience of the Australian could do a lot of good. We are also not immune to seeing other heads roll between now and the start of summer.


Several LEC teams could move before the resumption of competition in the Summer. League of Legends is a small world and everyone knows Nisqy. Stuck on the Fnatic bench, he is biding his time to return to the front of the stage… And a place would become free at MAD Lions!

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