ANSES definitively settles the question of the health effects of 5G

In April 2021, a long-awaited report from the National Health and Food Safety Agency (ANSES) concerning the impact of 5G on public health attested to the absence of new health effects from the new generation of technology. mobile. “Based on the scientific data available to date, ANSES considers it unlikely that the deployment of 5G in the 3.5 GHz frequency band presents new health risks”, estimated the health agency at the time. the debate about the impact of 5G on our health was in full swing.

However, “the examination of possible effects, such as the development of cancers, the alteration of cerebral functioning or fertility, continues however to be the subject of research and evaluation work”, however specified the health authority.

Almost a year later, it has just updated its studies on 5G, following initial public consultations held between April and June 2021 following its first opinion. And it is clear that his conclusions have not changed one iota. “In the state of knowledge, the Agency considers it unlikely that the deployment of 5G will lead to new health risks, compared to previous generations of telephony,” she said.

Vigilance remains in order

“We have been engaged for several years in a dialogue with stakeholders on the assessment of the health effects of radiofrequencies. Beyond the additions made, this consultation also allowed us to better explain our approach, while specifying the arguments that support our conclusions, for a better understanding of all”, specifies Olivier Merckel, head of the evaluation unit of risks related to physical agents.

“With the deployment of 5G technology in frequency bands already used by 3G and 4G technologies, between 700 MHz and 2.1 GHz, or in the 3.5 GHz frequency band, the global levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields will be comparable to or slightly higher than those of existing technologies,” argues ANSES. According to the Agency, “it is unlikely that this deployment will lead to new health risks, compared to the results of expert assessments on previous generations of telephony”.

However, vigilance remains in order, we specify on the side of ANSES. And particularly with regard to the environmental impact of 5G, which is likely to cause an explosion in data consumption, in particular through the generalization of industry 4.0 and much more data-intensive services.

For ANSES, it is therefore a matter of looking into this question through 12 research projects on radiofrequencies funded under the national Environment-Health-Work research program (PNR EST). Enough to shed light on the mechanisms of action at the cellular level, the physiological and health effects of radiofrequencies, electromagnetic hypersensitivity or even the characterization of exposure, it is hoped on the side of the health authorities.

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