APL, RSA, adult disability allowance… Late payments accumulate CAF

In force for a year, the reform of the calculation of the APL of the Family allowance fund has led to many negative effects for the recipients. Among them: the extended processing time for files, the reduction in the amount of APL or even the non-payment of certain social benefits.

Entering into force in 2021, the reform of the calculation of personalized housing aid (APL) from the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) was supposed to facilitate procedures. She seems to have them shackled. According to the specialist site Family Foldermany recipients complain of malfunctions observed for over a year.

Delay in the payment of housing allowances, reduction in their amount, non-payment in time of certain benefits such as the active solidarity income (RSA) or the allowance for disabled adults (AAH), etc. According to our colleagues from The Independentthere is no doubt: it is the reform that is in question.

A computer bug

By providing for the real-time adjustment of the latest incomes and the drawing from the source of data on the incomes of recipients, henceforth exempted from quarterly declarations, this reform was intended to make it possible to win time while saving the state more than a billion euros in budget per year.

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But lo and behold, the operation piloted by the consulting firm McKinsey for an amount of 3.88 million euros has led to a computer bug which affects users and agents, reports Dossier Familial. According to the latter, the CAF is however required to pay the month following any reminder of the unpaid allowances, provided that the file concerned is in order. In the event of non-payment, our colleagues recommendcall CAF directly on 3230.

APL, alloc’, RSA… Discover all the social aid to which you are entitled

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