Apology for terrorism: Mathilde Panot (LFI) denounces “censorship” and calls for a rally


Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP

The leader of France Insoumise called for a rally for freedom of expression on Tuesday morning in Paris to denounce “censorship”, “incompatible with democracy”. At the same time, Mathilde Panot and European candidate Rima Hassan will be questioned by the police for “apology of terrorism”.

The leader of the deputies of La France insoumise (LFI) Mathilde Panot called for a rally for freedom of expression on Tuesday Porte de Clichy in Paris, when she and European candidate Rima Hassan will be heard by the police for “apology of terrorism”. “This summons follows an attempt at censorship on the part of this power since there was the cancellation of conferences six times for Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Rima Hassan in the middle of the electoral campaign,” declared the rebellious MP to the Grand Jury RTL/Le Figaro/M6.

“Censorship is incompatible with democracy and I want you to realize what is happening,” she said when she was summoned by the police to explain a press release published by his parliamentary group on October 7, the day the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas attacked Israel.

A gathering Tuesday at 8:30 a.m.

This text sparked controversy because it notably drew a parallel between the Hamas attack, described as “an armed offensive by Palestinian forces”, and “the intensification of the Israeli occupation policy” in the Palestinian territories. The rally organized by LFI will take place at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, when Rima Hassan and Mathilde Panot are summoned by the police. A summons which does not prejudge the launch of proceedings against them.

Seventh on Manon Aubry’s LFI list in the European elections of June 9, the Franco-Palestinian activist Rima Hassan is summoned for comments made between November 5 and December 1. Since her designation on the rebellious list, Rima Hassan has been criticized in particular for having said, in an interview with the media Le Crayon, that it was “true” that Hamas was carrying out legitimate action.


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