Apple can update smartphones without taking them out of the boxes, here’s how

If you’re planning to purchase Apple’s upcoming iPhone 15s, be aware that you may not need to do the updates that have rolled out since launch, as they may already be installed.

Credits: Phonandroid

In addition to announcing the arrival of a new, cheaper version of the Vision Pro headset, Bloomberg journalist Mark Gurman has just revealed some interesting information about the company’s latest iPhone 15s.

Apple is reportedly developing a system that will allow it to update iPhone units in Apple Stores without an employee having to open each box and manually update each phone. Sowhen you buy a smartphone from the Apple brand, all the updates will already be installed right out of the box.

Also read – iPhone 15 Pro: Has Apple restricted performance to reduce heating? Response in benchmarks

Apple wants to update its smartphones directly in the boxes

The system developed by Apple would be a “ tablet-shaped device ” on which store employees place unopened iPhone boxes to trigger an update. The tablet turns on the iPhone wirelessly, runs the software update, then turns it off again, as if nothing had happened.

As a reminder, Apple has already deployed several updates to its iPhone 15 since its release last month, including a patch that corrects one of the biggest problems of this generation. Several Internet users had reported overheating problems with their iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Maxbut these have apparently been fixed in the latest iOS 17.0.3 update.

Over the next few weeks, it could well be that the lucky owners of a brand new iPhone will no longer have to update smartphones when taking them out of their boxprovided that these were purchased directly online from Apple or in an official store. We imagine that it will be impossible for the manufacturer to update devices already shipped to other distributorssuch as Fnac, Boulanger or telephone operators.

In the meantime, if you just bought an iPhone 15, you can update your phone by going to Settings > General > Software Update. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the update.

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