Apple: Expert finds 7 fake apps in the App Store – uninstall them immediately!


Apple’s App Store boasts high security standards, but an expert has identified seven dangerous applications there. Delete them before they harm you.

Dangerous apps have been detected in the App Store. (Source: bedobedo/

Apple’s App Store is considered particularly safe due to strict security checks. Nevertheless, hackers occasionally manage to circumvent the requirements and inject dangerous applications. This is also currently the case. A Chinese developer offers seven fake apps in the App Store that you shouldn’t download.

Security researcher Privacy1St (Alex Kleber) became aware of the dangerous applications. During his investigation, he found that the apps download an unnecessarily large amount of data in the background and annoy you with advertisements that you cannot click away. If you click on a banner, you could theoretically continue to download malware. The following programs are affected:

  • PDF Reader for Adobe PDF Files
  • Word Writer Pro
  • screen recorder
  • Webcam expert
  • Streaming browser video player
  • PDF Editor for Adobe Files
  • PDF readers

According to Kleber, the advertisements of the apps were deactivated during Apple’s review. In addition, fake reviews were written to make the apps appear more serious. This is how the developer was able to trick Apple. If you have the applications on your iPhone or iPad, uninstall them immediately. Despite the high security standards, the App Store is not immune to fake software. Therefore, check the apps extensively before downloading.

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