Apple “is in the process of withdrawing” the Radio France application at the request of the authorities

China continues to clean up content from abroad that displeases. At the request of the country’s authorities, the American digital giant Apple “is withdrawing” Radio France and France Inter from the Chinese application store, the French public group announced on Thursday June 20 to Agence France-Presse (AFP).

In a statement to AFP, Radio France expressed its bitterness regarding this decision by Apple. “We regret that our listeners based in China find themselves sanctioned by losing simple access to our live broadcasts and podcasts, in particular to our verified information content. » The American brand informed the French public group of this withdrawal in a message consulted by AFP.

Apple has always refrained from offending Chinese power

The apple brand explained its action “at the request of the Chinese Cyberspace Administration (CAC)” because the Radio France application “understand[ait] content that is illegal in China ». “The application would influence Chinese public opinion”, commented on X Laurent Frischthe director of digital and innovation strategy at Radio France. “We suspect that the excellent France Inter podcast is being targeted” on the Chinese president, “Xi Jinping, the red prince”, he clarified.

In April, Apple removed WhatsApp and Threads from the Chinese version of its online application store also at the request of China’s Internet regulator. The products of this brand, very popular in China, are one of the American group’s main markets outside the United States. Moreover, Apple has always refrained from taking a position on sensitive subjects or offending Chinese power. His boss has been received several times by senior officials such as a head of state.

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China closely monitors its media and the Internet. It subjects to strict regulation and censorship content that presents state policy in a bad light or is likely to create unrest. Many foreign sites, applications and social networks such as Google, YouTube or X are already inaccessible in China. To get around these blocks, it is necessary to have IT tools such as virtual private networks (VPN).

The World with AFP

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