Apple Vision Pro: the space computer will offer many VR games, but it does not start very strong

I’Apple Vision Pro will be marketed not as a mixed reality headset (although technically it fully is), but as a space computer, a way to stand out and steer clear of other players in the market. If the wish toApple was to reassure the public that his product did not isolate, games VR are well planned for the apple helmetbut unfortunately not necessarily the ones we would like to see first.

When keynotethe game VR and social Rec Room has been listed as supported. Yes, for a first game in virtual reality and if you were expecting a AAA, it’s a huge disappointment! And besides, why this title and not another?

First of all, this is a game running on the 3d engine Unitywhich has been announced as fully compatible with the Vision Pro. Secondly, social interactions by tracking hands are easier to transpose here than a game like Contractors. Whether Rec Room is basically not supposed to work with the hand trackingthe developers have confirmed that they will use it on this version. The video Twitter above, taken during the WWDC 2023shows the first images of the Vision Pro version of the title.

Let us hope, however, that the success of the headset will in the future allow access in stand-alone to autonomous games taking advantage of the power gain allowed by the headset, while allowing us to enjoy games quite close to what we know on PC VR Or on PSVR 2.

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