Apple will significantly increase the amount of ads in the App Store

Apple is about to add advertising in two new App Store locations on its iPhone and iPad. Until now, ads were integrated, in the form of banners, only in the search tab and in search results.

Get ready to see a lot more ads in the App Store // Source: Nathan Le Gohlisse for Frandroid

Apple is about to pull out all the stops when it comes to ads on the App Store. On iPhone and iPad, the Californian giant’s application market will soon host advertisements in two new locations: the ” Today(in other words the home page) and the individual application pages themselves. The addition of advertisements on these two new locations, which Apple plans to start testing shortly, will complement the banners already present in the search tab, but also in the search results, recallsThe Verge.

We also know what form these new announcements will take. In the case of the “TodayApple will likely bet on the large card format, using the formatting used for other content displayed on this page. Advertisements integrated in this way will nevertheless continue to display a small badge “Announcementmeaning that this element is sponsored.

More ads… and less discreet ads

For the advertisements installed in the application-specific pages, Apple is counting this time on a mention “You might also like», to suggest contents to the user according to what he consults. There too a badge signifying their sponsored nature will be relevant. On the other hand, we learn that ad buyers will not be able to target the application pages themselves on which to display their advertisements. Apple will take care of this task by arranging for its sponsored recommendations to be relevant.

Apple App Store Awards
Source: Apple

Apple Search Ads gives developers of all sizes the opportunity to grow their business“Commented Apple in a press release sent to several American specialized sites. “Like our other advertising offerings, these new ad placements are built on the same basics: they will only contain content from approved App Store product pages and adhere to the same rigorous privacy standards.“, continues the brand.

Recall that Apple has been displaying advertisements on the App Store since 2016. The firm had also begun, in September 2021, to ask users for their authorization to activate the personalization of sponsored content. Apple will therefore continue on this line with the objective of further improving the revenue generated by the App Store… even if it means impacting (at least a little) the user experience.

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