Apple’s Vision Pro soon to be able to see invisible energies, it’s no joke

The Apple Vision Pro, the Apple brand’s mixed reality headset, could well be equipped with a rather rare feature. Indeed, a patent application filed by the manufacturer on August 1 evokes the possibility of visualizing and displaying invisible energies.

Credits: Apple

As you know, after smartphones, tablets, computers or connected watches, Apple intends to enter a new market: augmented and virtual reality headsets.

In June 2023, Apple finally lifted the veil on its proposal: the Apple Vision Pro. In the words of the apple brand, the Vision Pro presents itself as “a revolutionary space computer”. Behind this marketing actually hides a mixed reality headset (AR and VR) which will allow users interact with eyes, hands and voice.

Thus, it will be possible in particular to use your favorite applications in augmented reality. “Apple Vision Pro empowers users to be even more productive by giving them endless viewing space, access to their favorite apps, and all-new ways to multitask.” explained Apple.

See invisible energies, a possibility on the Vision Pro

For now, the Vision Pro is still far from having revealed all its secrets and all of its features. But a recent patent application filed by Apple on August 1, 2023 has just revealed some crisp information.

Indeed, this patent application evokes the possibility for future versions of the helmet to see and display invisible energies near the user. We talk here electric currents, radio signals, Wi-Fi waves, etc. This feature could initially allow Apple engineers to diagnose problems with your headphones, your Internet network or your other Apple devices.

Also read: Apple – the TV app could convert your movie catalog to 3D on purpose for the Vision Pro

Concrete operations for the user

Apart from the technical support aspect, users could exploit this feature to their advantage. Thus, Apple explains in particular that “billboards, posters or any other printed material or screen in the physical environment may emit non-visible light, such as infrared, which can be detected and viewed”.

In the same vein, we imagine that the helmet would be able to materialize the Wi-Fi waves in augmented reality. This would allow the user to move around to obtain better throughput, for example. Regarding the operation, the patent remains unclear, but in fact, the Vision Pro would obviously rely on a set of sensors to materialize these invisible waves.

Important precision, the patent stipulates that these sensors will not be found only on the helmet. In effect, the Vision Pro will also be able to use sensors from other Apple devices nearby like your iPhone or Mac. Please note, since this is a patent, nothing says that the mixed reality headset will one day be equipped with such technology.

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