Application in the state parliament – NEOS: “Tourism tax should finally be abolished”

“A letter alone, as suggested by the Fritz list, will not solve the problem,” said NEOS club boss Dominik Oberhofer with conviction during the debate about the tourism tax and the associated flood of executions. He wants to “finally abolish” the tourism tax and relieve the economy.

“We will introduce an urgent amendment to the upcoming state parliament meeting: We must finally completely bury the structure of the tourism tax and relieve the economy,” emphasizes Oberhofer . “The governor distributes 200 million euros to a few large entrepreneurs every year, primarily as building investment bonuses. You alone benefit from the highest level of economic development in the country. That is unfair and not expedient. ”“ Abolition would be a win-win situation for everyone ”With the abolition of the tourism tax and refinancing by the state’s economic development agency, there would be a win-win situation for everyone:“ The entire economy will Exempt from the tourist tax, all entrepreneurs benefit from it, bureaucracy and administration in the country are cut back. Capacities in the state administration will be freed up and the tourism associations will receive stable support, especially in the financially most difficult time, “says the Tyrolean NEOS boss, who also calls on the Fritz list to commit to one thing:” So far, Sint and Haselwanter- Tailors always voted to keep the city tax. If you are suddenly interested in the subject, you have to show your colors. The subject is not off the table with a letter. “
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