Appointment of Elisabeth Borne to Matignon: political reactions are linked


Yanis Darras with AFP
modified to

11:26 p.m., May 16, 2022

A few hours after the appointment of Elisabeth Borne, former minister three times during Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, at Matignon, political reactions are accumulating. Good news for some, disaster for the left.

It is now official: Elisabeth Borne, minister during Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, has become Prime Minister. An unsurprising announcement, even if Emmanuel Macron wanted to appoint Catherine Vautrin, before changing his mind this weekend.

An announcement widely commented on by the French political class. “All my Republican congratulations to Elisabeth Borne. She undeniably has the commitment course necessary to become the 2nd female Prime Minister of our country. I wish her the best for France”, tweeted the president LR of the Ile-de region. -France and former presidential candidate, Valérie Pécresse.

“Elisabeth Borne’s great knowledge of the territories will be invaluable to the conduct of our country’s affairs. In her previous responsibilities and in her 5 years in government, she was able to be very attentive to local elected officials. I wish her a complete success”, also exclaimed Christian Estrosi, ex-LR mayor of Nice on the American social network.

“Technocracy at the service of money king”

On the left, the reactions are less positive. All the figures point to the reforms that the former minister has carried out over the past five years. “Privatization and competition between the SNCF and the RATP, reform of unemployment insurance to the detriment of more than 1 million beneficiaries, gravedigger of Fessenheim: with Elisabeth Borne, Macron has found his Mrs. Thatcher. Technocracy at service of king money”, reacted the communist Fabien Roussel. “Positive point, a woman PM. For the rest …”, notes the boss of the PS, Olivier Faure.

Finally, Manuel Bompard, LFI manager of negotiations for the legislative elections, surfs on Twitter on the success of La France insoumise in the presidential election and advocates alternation: “After unemployment insurance, #Borne has every intention of make her suffer again with retirement at 65. To prevent it, it’s simple: fire her by voting for the candidates of the new popular union in the legislative elections!


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