April 20-26, 2020

This week, Aries and Aquarians will be in great shape while Taurus and Cancer will face increased stress … And you, what sign are you? Find out what the stars have in store for you this week?

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Aries

Lucky week!

Dear Aries (March 21 – April 21), it will be a great week for your sign! It opens on three moon days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, which means that luck is on your side. The moon has an influence on each astrological sign. It acts on emotions and daily reactions.
The conjunction of Mercury makes your exchanges with the others intense and enriching, while Venus favorable, reinforces your relation of couple. Good news or additional rewards can also come from your work.

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Taurus

Watch out for pressure!

Dear Taurus (April 22 – May 21), you are going through a difficult period, especially from a work point of view: you will have to question yourself and perhaps review certain collaborations or dynamics. Mars and Saturn are in an unfavorable position this week. You may feel tired and under pressure. Enjoy Thursday and Friday, where you can count on a moon lucky in your sign.

Video by Eleonora De Vecchis

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Gemini

Love surrounds you

Dear Gemini (May 22 – June 21), love in this period makes you happy and brightens your days, even those when everything does not seem to be going exactly as you would have liked. The conjunction of Venus gives you an emotional stability yet not so obvious for your astrological sign, always in search of new emotions and different experiences. Good news also awaits you in terms of work, favored by the planets Saturn and Mercury.

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Cancer

Some misunderstandings …

Dear Cancer (June 22 – July 22), your week begins with three difficult days, during which the Moon in an unfavorable position will generate some setbacks and a little discontent. Better however from Thursday. However, Mercury continues to be at a disadvantage with your sign: misunderstandings, big or small, at work or at home are possible. Be careful not to take everything too personally …

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Leo

Do not abandon

Lions (July 23 – August 22) are fighters who never give up, yet during this time you may feel a little depressed. The opposition of Mars and Saturn causes major blockages in your family or professional life and you sometimes have the impression of lacking energy. Look deep inside yourself: you are certainly not lacking in strength and soon you will see all your efforts rewarded.

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Virgo

The art of compromise …

Dear Virgin (August 23 – September 22), you tend to be very demanding, and if this characteristic can bring virtuous results (for example in the professional field), in sentimental life, it risks increasing the tensions between you and your partner: Venus in an unfavorable position during this period, asks you to accept the law of compromise. Be particularly attentive on weekends, because discussions with your partner could become quite lively …

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Libra

Opposite moon

Dear Libra (September 23 – October 22), your week begins – unfortunately – with three days of the Moon in opposition: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, you can live moments of great stress, amplified by the opposition of the planet Mercury, which making communication with those around you complicated. Fortunately, from Thursday, the situation will improve, but it will especially be the weekend that will bring you great emotions, with Venus smiling at you.

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Scorpio

Don't let it get you down

Dear Scorpio (October 23 – November 22), the Moon in opposition on Thursday and Friday will generate stress and dissatisfaction. During this period, the fatigue and pressure caused by the unfavorable weather conditions of Mars and Saturn can discourage you and make you lose confidence in your plans: do not get put down! Soon the sky will smile on you again and by the end of 2020, great things will happen! Fortunately, the weekend will be more relaxed.

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Sagittarius


Dear Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21), if there is one thing that you really cannot bear in a romantic relationship, it is to feel deprived of your personal space and your freedom. In this period, Venus in opposition generates in you a feeling of frustration. You even feel trapped to the point of questioning your love story … Do not act impulsively and take the time to think about the situation. Saturday and Sunday will be two particularly tense days. Good luck.

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Capricorn


Dear Capricorn (December 22 – January 20), this period is conducive to challenging the achievements – especially in the professional field – obtained in the first months of the year. Don't worry: soon, even the setbacks you suffer will be resolved and long-term success will be there! In the meantime, you will face some misunderstandings, at home or at work, due to an unfavorable Mercury, which makes communication difficult.

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Aquarius

What energy!

Dear Aquarius (January 21 – February 19), another week of great energy for your sign, which rediscovers itself every day stronger and able to face each situation in the best way. The passage of Saturn in your sky brings great news and changes, which will bring you to a greater awareness of yourself and your true desires. Mars makes you braver, while Venus – for its part – gives you endless charm and seductive abilities.

Horoscope for the week of April 20 to 26, 2020: Pisces

Stop brooding

Dear Fish (February 20 – March 20), love in this period occupies a large part of your thoughts: but the unfavorable position of the planet Venus leads you to question your relationship, and this leads to doubts that it is worth better confront immediately with your partner. Yes you think about it too much,
your mood could be even darker when you may see the situation in a much less dramatic way! Lucky days: Thursday and Friday.

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