Aptos price explosion: Will Bitcoin and Ethereum follow?

The crypto market is on the up. And has been for some time. Given the global economic signs, nobody would have predicted that at the beginning of the year. But now the situation seems different. Bitcoin and Ethereum are purposefully working through bullish price targets and some altcoins are achieving price gains of up to 70 percent on a weekly basis.

Aptos, Genesis and Cardano

But how does it come to such strong increases? And can we expect BTC and ETH prices to rise similarly to Aptos (APT) or Axie Infinity (AXS)? In today’s episode of the BTC-ECHO Invest Podcast, market experts Stefan Lübeck and Jan Heinrich Meyer talk about the connections between the current market development, superimposed market phases and how to identify outperformers in good time.

There is also a short update on the Genesis bankruptcy and the Cardano (ADA) network outage last weekend.

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