AR glasses, recharge in 10 minutes… Our favorites from MWC Barcelona

For the first time in two years, the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona took place. Numerama traveled through the 7 halls of the show in search of the best innovations of 2022.

We had almost forgotten the atmosphere of the salons. After two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ​​the emblematic mobile and telecommunications fair, has made a comeback. Numerama went there from February 26 to March 2 to bring it to you live on social networkson its website and through various videos.

For further

Back in France, the time to take stock has come. Numerama offers you two recap videos of the Mobile World Congress 2022. One is dedicated to our five disappointments, the other to our five favorites. In this article you will find what satisfied us the most.

A post-Covid feeling

MWC 2022
The Mobile World Congress 2022. An air of the world before. // Source: Numerama

Let’s start with something that has nothing to do with a product, but which we liked a lot in Barcelona nonetheless. At MWC, we almost felt like Covid no longer existed. Admittedly, the FFP2 mask and a vaccination certificate were compulsory, but it was really pleasant to meet thousands of people from all over the world and to hear so many languages. The time is not yet for optimism, but the MWC proves to us that there may be a future without Zoom and Microsoft Teams to exchange with people. We particularly appreciated this 2022 edition for all these reasons.

Oppo’s glasses of the future

AR glasses, recharge in 10 minutes… Our favorites from MWC Barcelona
Oppo’s glasses project information onto the lenses. // Source: Louise Audry for Numerama

Will the glasses of the future be able to display notifications in the middle of our field of vision? In Barcelona, ​​we were able to try the Oppo Air Glass. This is the most interesting augmented reality experience at the show, thanks to the minimalism of the product. For the first time, AR glasses look like glasses. And that changes everything.

Charging in less than 10 minutes

AR glasses, recharge in 10 minutes… Our favorites from MWC Barcelona
MWC 2022 // Source: Louise Audry for Numerama

Will your smartphone ever charge in 9 minutes or less? From 2022, the first devices should go under 15 minutes thanks to Oppo’s 150 W charger. Later, the Chinese brand hopes to increase to 9 minutes. We were able to try out its 240 W super-charger prototype for a few moments. It goes very quickly!

Huawei’s diversification

AR glasses, recharge in 10 minutes… Our favorites from MWC Barcelona
The Huawei MateStation X. // Source: Louise Audry for Numerama

In great difficulty on the smartphone market, Huawei is the victim of economic sanctions imposed by the United States. If he has often disappointed us in recent years, in particular because of his overly ambiguous speech on the real impact of American sanctions, Huawei really pleased us in Barcelona. The Chinese group finally recognizes the reality of the problem and is stepping up its diversification strategy with all-in-one PCs, laptops, an e-reader, tablets and a printer. Given their characteristics, Huawei could quickly become essential again, even if smartphones will weigh less in its turnover.

Featured laptops

AR glasses, recharge in 10 minutes… Our favorites from MWC Barcelona
The Samsung Galaxy Book 2. // Source: Numerama

Finally, we were surprised by the number of PCs presented in Barcelona. At the same time, in a pandemic world, our relationship to the laptop has necessarily evolved. Samsung is making a comeback after 8 years of absence, Nokia is coming to it thanks to a company from Lyon. Laptops are sexy again!

So much for our favorites from the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ​​2022 edition. Of course, it seems important to us to remember that not all products are created equal. In another article, we list the things that disappointed us in Barcelona.

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