ARCHIVES – When Jean-Claude Gaudin gave his opinion on the series “Marseille”

Europe 1
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12:48 p.m., May 20, 2024

The former mayor of Marseille, Jean-Claude Gaudin, died this Monday, May 20 at the age of 84. A lover of the Marseille city, of which he was at the head for 25 years, the former elected official shared his opinion at the microphone of Europe 1 on the series “Marseille”, released in 2016. Listen to the extract again.

The former mayor of Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin died this Monday at the age of 84. The one who was president of the PACA region, minister under Jacques Chirac, senator or even deputy was above all at the head of the Marseille city for 25 years. A city to which he was obviously very attached. In 2016, on the occasion of the release of the series Marseille on TF1 and the Netflix platform, Jean-Claude Gaudin was delighted at the microphone of Europe 1 about this program which highlighted his city.

“What bothers me is that Depardieu snorts coke”

“The images of the city will go all over the world,” he declared, before adding that they were “very beautiful”. He also explained that “the only requirement from the municipality, in exchange for the opening of buildings and the stopping of traffic, is to put the city’s entertainment workers to work.”

As for the sequences in the series showing political shenanigans, score-settling and trafficking, Jean-Claude Gaudin was keen to point out that it was a “fiction”. “What bothers me the most is that Depardieu (who plays the mayor, editor’s note) sniffs coke.” But for him, the series corresponded “also to a part of reality. (…) The city is beautiful, is changing, but we have these kinds of problems”, he admitted.

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