Are homeless people chased out of Ile-de-France before the Olympic Games?

As the Olympic Games approach, evacuations of camps, shanty towns and squats seem to be intensifying in Ile-de-France, and particularly in Seine-Saint-Denis. Several associations united in the collective The other side of the medal denounce a “social cleansing”.

In response, the government promised 200 emergency accommodation places in Paris. “Temporary regional reception areas” have also been created with the aim of relieving congestion in Ile-de-France. The people in care are thus moved to another region for around twenty days.

These measures are criticized by certain associations, such as Elina Dumont, vice-president of the street committee of the Entourage association. In this video, she is outraged by these measures to displace precarious populations.

The Ile-de-France prefecture, for its part, denies any “zero homeless objective” for the 2024 Olympics. To find out more on this subject, we invite you to read the article below.

Operation “Playgrounds”

This subject was carried out as part of the “Terrains de Jeux” project, supported by Visa, global partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Until November 2024, eight young people, accompanied by journalists from World, tell the story of the Olympic year seen from Seine-Saint-Denis in the form of articles, videos and podcasts. They were identified by the Sport dans la ville association as part of a partnership with Visa whose objective is to promote the professional integration of young people from priority neighborhoods. The writing of the World is responsible for the choice of topics and editorial content.

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