Are the Northern Lights visible again in France? The phenomenon is “anything but over”, according to an expert

If you missed the magnificent Northern Lights in the sky on May 11 and 12, the spectacle could well happen again in the days to come, according to an expert. We tell you everything.

On the night of May 10 to 11, 2024, northern lights have been observed throughout France. While you usually have to travel to Lapland to hope to see one, many people have had the chance to observe them quietly from home. These northern lights were sometimes pink, purple or green. A magnificent spectacle which was immortalized and published on social networks by many Internet users.

This very rare phenomenon was the result of a extreme solar storm that hit our planet. This geomagnetic storm of level 5 therefore generated the Northern Lights which could be seen everywhere in France. “GPS, power grids, spacecraft, satellite navigation and other technologies may be affected,” indicated NOAA (the American Oceanic and Atmospheric Observation Agency). And the good news is that it seems that this phenomenon is not at all over.

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The phenomenon could happen again within two weeks

Indeed, according to specialists, the show could reproduce well by the end of May! To better understand this solar storm phenomenon, geomagnetic storms occur when streams of electrically charged particles are expelled from the surface of the Sun. These particles then reach the Earth’s magnetic field, called the magnetosphere. These particle flows are very intense during coronal mass ejections, very strong flares occurring near sunspots.

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However, according to Alexi Glover, space weather coordinator at ESA (European Space Agency), this spot will face Earth again within two weeks. A new stain “is appearing now”and could lead to “intense activity in the coming days”, as indicated by the expert to AFP. As a reminder, the largest solar storm recorded occurred in 1859 and severely disrupted telegraph communications.

The show far from over?

The expert adds that solar activity is “anything but finished”. However, it remains difficult to predict the intensity of the eruptions or the appearance of the Northern Lights. The only thing astronomers are certain of is that the Sun is approaching peak activity in its 11-year cycle. A new magnetic storm could therefore occur “between now and the end of next year”, according to Mr. Bettwy, of the American Space Weather Prediction Center.

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Enough to rejoice the many people who were very disappointed not to see these magnificent Northern Lights. And for the lucky ones who have already seen them, there is no doubt that they will be more than willing to observe this phenomenon a second time. So stay tuned! The sky could well have a nice surprise in store for us in the coming days…

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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