Are they the silver bullet for Ukraine?

Drones have played an important role in the conflicts in Ethiopia, Karabakh, Idlib and Libya. Can the unmanned aircraft also be decisive for the war in Ukraine? Or is it exaggerated in terms of its importance?

One of the most important buyers of Chinese Wing Loong drones is the United Arab Emirates, which has provided the machines for combat operations in Libya and Ethiopia.

Ng Han Guan / AP

It was a first: On October 26, 2021, the Ukrainian army used an armed drone in Donbass to destroy an artillery piece belonging to the pro-Russian separatists. These had previously shelled a village on the other side of the front line. A little later it appeared on the Facebook page of the General Staff of Ukraine a shaky video, showing the attack. It was the first combat use of a Bayraktar drone in the conflict area, the General Staff said.

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