“Are undesirable”: Farmers’ president disinvites rights from demos

“Are undesirable”
Farmers’ president disinvites rights from demos

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The farmers’ anger at the traffic light government is also causing a stir in the lateral thinker scene. The president of the farmers’ association uninvites the self-proclaimed revolutionaries to the demonstrations planned for Monday. “We are Democrats.”

The President of the German Farmers’ Association (DBV), Joachim Rukwied, has declared the participation of right-wing groups in next week’s farmers’ protests to be undesirable. “We don’t want right-wing and other radical groups with a desire for subversion at our demos,” Rukwied told “Bild am Sonntag” (Bams). The DBV president continued: “We are democrats and there is a political change taking place – if so, then through voting in the voting booth.”

With a view to the protest action in Schüttsiel, Schleswig-Holstein, in which, according to police reports, 250 to 300 farmers blocked a ferry pier in Schlüttsiel, Schleswig-Holstein, in protest against the planned abolition of subsidies for agriculture and prevented Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) from leaving a ship Rukwied said: “Actions like those in Schlüttsiel damage our political concerns. We want to demonstrate peacefully and orderly next week.”

With regard to the goal of the protest actions, which are scheduled to begin on Monday, Rukwied told the “Bams”: “Germany needs competitive agriculture so that local food can continue to be produced for the population. We want to make it clear what we farmers need for this .”

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution is monitoring mobilization

The DBV had called for a week of nationwide protests against the federal government’s policies. Farmers’ anger was sparked by planned cuts in subsidies for the industry in the wake of the budget crisis. In view of the protests that have been going on since December, the federal government has now largely withdrawn the plans. The farmers’ association still stuck to its plans.

“Welt am Sonntag” reported that in connection with the planned protests, authorities observed calls for mobilization and expressions of solidarity from right-wing extremists, New Right groups and the lateral thinker scene, particularly on social media. The paper referred to the Federal Criminal Police Office and federal and state constitutional protection authorities. These include calls for a “general strike” and “subversive riots” as well as for an “infiltration” of the demonstrations.

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