Are you missing your period? Reasons and tips

Are you missing your period?
Reasons and tips

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Your period is missing and you have no explanation for it? Here you can find out the most common causes and when you should therefore see a doctor.

Are you missing your period? That can be behind it

The female cycle is controlled by hormones – and the control is very susceptible to disorders of all kinds. If you miss your period ("amenorrhea") there can be several reasons for it. The most common are:

  • pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding (many breastfeeding mothers intermittently do not menstruate)
  • Menopause

If none of these obvious causes are responsible for the lack of menstruation, there may be a menstrual disorder. This is triggered by both physical and mental problems. The influence of the psyche on physical processes is still often underestimated. For example, if a woman is under great pressure, professionally or privately, or is going through a period of grief, this can be noticeable in the absence of a period. By the way: menstrual disorders also include intermenstrual bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding and an irregular cycle.

What are the causes of a missed period?

The following reasons can also be responsible for missing your period:

  • Strong stress or emotional stress
  • Malnutrition or fasting cures
  • Anorexia / bulimia (stresses the body in different ways)
  • Severe overweight / obesity
  • Psychological complaints
  • Competitive sport with high stress on the body, often in combination with being underweight
  • Brain diseases such as inflammation, tumors, or injuries
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome ("polycystic ovary syndrome" – more cysts form in the ovaries, ovulation fails or is irregular and the proportion of male sex hormones increased)
  • Discontinuation of the pill or three-month injection
  • Diseases of the genital organs, e.g. B. the uterus
  • Thyroid disorders (hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism)
  • Medication, e.g. B. Cortisone or cancer drugs
  • Other conditions like diabetes or chronic kidney failure

Primary and secondary amenorrhea

There are two different forms of amenorrhea:

  • Primary amenorrhea: Most girls have their first period between the ages of 11 and 13. If this does not happen by the age of 16, one speaks of primary amenorrhea, the causes of which are often congenital.
  • Secondary amenorrhea: In secondary amenorrhea, the rule does not appear in the course of life because the complex interplay of the female cycle is disturbed.

Disturbed hormone balance: when do I have to see a gynecologist?

If you miss menstruation only once, it is not necessarily an immediate cause for concern. However, a visit to a doctor is advisable for the following reasons:

  • Presumption of pregnancy.
  • Missing periods three times in a row (while excluding pregnancy).
  • You will miss your period after you stop using the contraceptive.
  • There has been no bleeding since a new drug is used.
  • Periods stop after an operation.
  • There are other symptoms such as abdominal pain, chest pain or milky secretions from the chest.
  • The first period did not occur until the age of 16.
  • Disorders of the hormones lead to "masculinization", recognizable for example by more hair growth or a suddenly deeper voice.

Tips: How Do I Maintain a Regular Cycle?

Unless you miss your period for pathological reasons, you can Do some things yourself to ensure that the cycle is regular and there are no menstrual cramps. The following can help:

  • avoid stress
  • Pay attention to a balanced diet
  • Light movement – three times 30 minutes of brisk walking per week are often enough
  • Keep a cycle calendar to uncover irregularities

Tip: Here you can find out what spotting instead of your period means and what severe abdominal pain can represent.