Are you more generous than the average French person?

51% of French people made at least one donation to an association or charity in 2023. This share rises to 81% for the highest incomes. Despite inflation, these proportions are rather stable or even slightly increasing, compared to last year, according to the latest solidarity barometer carried out by the Apprentis d’Auteuil foundation.

If inflation has affected the vast majority of French people, in 2023, they still gave as much, or even more, than the previous year to associations and charitable organizations. This is what emerges from the last barometer of the Apprentis d’Auteuil.

In all, more than one in two French people made at least one donation in 2023. Among very high incomes, this proportion even rises to 81%. The study makes a comparison between two samples of people questioned: 1000 people representative of the French national population aged 18 and over; 500 people whose net annual household income is greater than 120,000 euros.

377 euros of donations per year, on average

In terms of motivations, the majority of donation intentions concern several causes: help for poor people (38%, or +6 points) as well as health and medical research, in first place. Next come the defense of animals and children, youth and education (24%, or +4 points compared to the previous year).

On average, donations amount to 377 euros, or 38 euros more than last year. The highest incomes gave on average 2,696 euros (+ 314 euros). However, almost all French people declare that their purchasing power has decreased over the last two years, indicates the barometer. 38% of French people even declared that it had decreased significantly (24% for very high incomes).

What knowledge of tax advantages?

Finally, the barometer explores another topical subject, since the 2024 income declaration campaign has been open for several weeks, the tax advantages linked to these donations. The French have a variable level of knowledge of these devices.

Donations to associations: do not confuse donations in your declaration! Here’s how to declare

For example, one in two French people know that the deduction ceiling for donations to associations allowing them to benefit from a 75% deduction on their income tax has increased from 552 euros to 1000 euros since 2020. 7 out of 10 people say they are aware of this cap among those who earn more than 120,000 euros per year.

source site-96