Are you opening your cans the right way?

What if you opened your cans incorrectly? We, in any case, have just discovered on TikTok that we have been doing it the wrong way for years! And you may well be surprised …

Opening a tin can seem easy for everyone. And yet, it seems we have had the wrong technique for years! And unsurprisingly, it was on TikTok that we discovered it. There is usually always a small lid on cans. Like almost everyone, until today we used to pull it towards us and open it by lifting it. In fact, once opened, the seal must be turned outwards. In video, it’s much more telling …

How to open a tin can without a lid?

  • With a knife. Position the tip of the knife against the inside edge of the lid, gently tap the back of your hand until the lid pierces.
  • With a spoon. Position the tip of the spoon against the inner edge of the can lid. Rub the tip of the spoon back and forth. The friction exerted by the movement will eventually pierce the cover.
  • With a can opener. Whether electric or manual, the can opener is the easiest solution!

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Do you really know how to use your colander?

Video by Aurore Emonnot

Helena Ergisi

Lifestyle journalist passionate about fashion, Helena keeps you informed of the latest trends that are buzzing on the Web and will be happy to share her many tips with you. Don’t miss its …