Are zucchini healthy? You should know that

Are zucchini healthy?
You should know that about the fruit vegetables

© Aksana Yasiuchenia / Shutterstock

Zucchini are an absolute delicacy and an indispensable part of our menu, as they can be prepared in so many ways. But are zucchini healthy? You can find the answer to this question here.

This is why zucchini are healthy

Zucchini are rich in important minerals and nutrients. In particular, their high content of B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium makes zucchini healthy. The fruit vegetables also score with significant quantities Provitamin A (beta-carotene) and vitamin C.. Zucchini are just one 19 kilocalories per 100 grams very low in calories and have almost no fat. They are also great for a low-carb diet. Let's take a closer look at the nutrients it contains:

Ingredients zucchini

per 100 grams


2.20 g


1.60 g


0.40 g


177 mg


25 mg


1.50 mg


18 mg

Beta carotene

0.18 mg

Vitamin B1

0.21 mg

vitamin C

17.6 mg

While potassium is an essential mineral for various metabolic processes in the body calcium especially important for our bones. iron is needed for blood formation and magnesium plays a central role in the activation of enzymes in metabolism.

Beta carotene belongs to the group of carotenoids. These phytochemicals are converted by the body into vitamin A, which has a positive effect on our eyesight. Beta-carotene has antioxidant properties and is anti-inflammatory.

Vitamin B1 is also involved in the energy metabolism and, among other things, promotes our ability to concentrate. Compared to other vegetables, zucchini contain a relatively large amount vitamin Cwhich protects against cell damage and is important for our immune system.

Do not eat bitter zucchini

If zucchini are bitter in taste, they shouldn't be eaten. Like all cucurbits, they can contain the toxic bitter substances cucurbitacins, which cause vomiting or diarrhea. Be careful, especially with zucchini that you have grown yourself: they must not grow near ornamental pumpkins and should only be grown with seeds that have been bought.

Vegetables bought from the supermarket are generally safe, as the bitter substances were bred from the plants. Incidentally, the cucurbitacins are not rendered harmless by boiling and heatTherefore, if the zucchini taste bitter, it is better to dispose of the food immediately.

Zucchini: Commodity Knowledge and Recipes

Zucchini belong to the pumpkin family and are therefore a fruit vegetable. Besides the green zucchini there are also yellow, white and striped varietiesthat can take on both elongated and round shapes. The harvest season runs from June to October. The fruits of the plant can grow very large, but you should Harvest zucchini that are 15 to 20 centimeters longOtherwise they will develop a hard shell and lose their taste.

With their slightly nutty aroma, the vegetables are very popular in the kitchen: We have delicious zucchini recipes, for example for zoodles and stuffed zucchini. We also clarify the question of whether zucchini can be eaten raw.