A major police operation is currently underway in Graz. The area around the high school on Keplerstrasse is cordoned off. The background is an explosives threat made via email that was received by the police. There was also another bomb threat in Linz this morning.
The entire Keplerstrasse in Graz-Lend is currently closed, the high school and a few other buildings have already been evacuated. Public transport in this area has been rerouted and the police ask people to avoid the area. “Keep calm!” “Corona measures have been put in place over a large area. “Keep calm and follow the instructions of the emergency services,” the Styrian police posted on “Explosives experts are already on site. It was only a week ago that they were last at work in Graz, when there was a threat against the main and eastern train stations – as it turned out, the first in a long series that kept the whole of Austria in suspense. It is still unclear whether there is a connection with the current situation, but according to police spokesman Sabri Yorgun, the nature of the threat is certainly comparable. Almost at the same time, a similar threat was received in Upper Austria. At 10 a.m. there was a threat of an attack against the Ramsauergymnasium in Linz. Here, too, the school was immediately evacuated and investigations are ongoing.
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