Areas occupied by Moscow: Zelenskyj sees his troops continuing to advance

Territories occupied by Moscow
Selenskyj sees his troops continuing to advance

Zelenskyj is certain that his opponents of the war in the Kremlin have their backs to the wall. The Ukrainian president is convinced that they wanted to feign military success by attacking the infrastructure. He continues to be confident of victory – and relies on western partners.

According to Ukrainian information, Russia has attacked large parts of the country’s infrastructure, but will be able to prevent it more and more in the future. Russia has recently attacked primarily in western, central and southern Ukraine, said President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. “Of course, we don’t have the technical capabilities to eliminate 100 percent of Russian missiles and combat drones,” he added. But he is certain “that we will gradually achieve this with the help of our partners. We are already shooting down a large part of the cruise missiles and drones.”

Despite the massive Russian rocket attacks, Zelenskyy sees his country’s troops advancing in the areas occupied by Moscow. The Ukrainian armed forces are advancing on the front line every day, and Russian strikes against the infrastructure cannot stop them, Zelensky said in a video message distributed in Kyiv that evening. “Ukrainians are united and know very well that Russia has no chance of winning this war.”

Zelenskyj had previously criticized the large number of Russian missile attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. No strike by the “Russian terrorists” could stop the country. “Russian propagandists lie when they say that this terror against our infrastructure and people could somehow slow down the active actions of our military.”

40 rocket attacks on Saturday alone

Zelenskyi announced that sanctions against Kremlin propagandists are being coordinated with the USA. Russia is already retreating on the battlefield and realizes that it is losing; The aggressor is therefore trying to feign military victories by attacking civilians and infrastructure, Zelenky said. The Ukrainian Armed Forces received everything they needed to defend the country every day. It is not yet possible to fend off all Russian attacks. Selenskyj emphasized that this will succeed with the help of the West.

According to Ukrainian information, there were a total of 40 rocket attacks on Saturday, and the Russian side also sent 16 Iranian drones. 20 rockets and 11 combat drones had been shot down, according to Kyiv. In view of the severe damage to the energy infrastructure, Selenskyj once again called on the population to save electricity.

According to him, the regions of Khmelnytskyi, Odessa, Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrovsk, among others, were affected by the attacks. “The main target of the terrorists is energy,” Zelenskyy said. The stability of supply in the country depends on each city. In some cases, the supply has already been restored.

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