Argentina’s tax authorities take action against illegal miners

Argentina’s tax agency’s crackdown on unregistered cryptocurrency mining is now extending to residential properties. Agents shut down an illegal bitcoin (BTC) mining operation in an “upscale” apartment building in an upscale neighborhood of La Plata, in the province of Buenos Aires.

Source: Phonlamaiphoto/Adobe

Earlier this month, tax agency AFIP raided a cattle and grain farm, where it found $20 million worth of BTC mining equipment.

In this recent operation, officers raided an apartment, where they said they found working, unregistered bitcoin mining devices connected to the internet. According to AFIP, these devices had been concealed in a “container” placed on the terrace of the complex.

Officers said the material included some 180 “video cards used for BTC mining”. It was claimed that the market value of the material was “over $45,000,000”. They claimed that the cryptocurrency mining devices had been operational “for more than eight months” before they were discovered.

The mastermind of the farm appears to be the owner of the complex, with the tax body saying the “owner of the premises” is under “investigation.”

But the AFIP discovered that the supply points of the terrace had been registered “in the name of a third party”a “maneuver that allowed the concealment of the farm”, reports Ambito.

The raid was carried out jointly with the Regional Direction of La Plata of the General management of taxes.

Crackdown on unregistered Argentinian cryptocurrency miners

Officers said they were investigating “activity” at “two other addresses” to see if a connection could be made.

This year, AFIP also intercepted an illegal shipment of cryptocurrency mining rigs hidden away in a shipping crate filled with livestock supplies and children’s toys.

They also raided a farm in San Juan province where miners had hid their rigs in an area reserved for fruit cooling.

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