Army of volunteers – Lemberg: A city bunkers itself

Lviv now becomes a fortress! Since the “Krone” arrived in Ukraine, war preparations have been further advanced.

“Go to the country with me,” STS crooned years ago. The “Krone” did the same as the Styrian cult band in Lemberg. But easier said than done. Right at the city limits, the first barricades including ID checks. “Who are you? What do you do? Where do you want to go?” We continue, the soldier waves us through the barrier. Infinite expanses open up, in terms of area Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe. Only the Russian bear can cover even more square kilometers. And still can’t get his greedy throat full. After a few kilometers it’s the same game, the next fortress is being built. Everywhere is hammered, drilled, concreted. Young people are also getting involved. Nail strips that are supposed to bring vehicles to a standstill are laid out. Grim-looking men with shotguns never take their eyes off of us. After a short check including a look into the trunk, our outing continues. Armored hedgehogs appear again and again in the adjacent forests, otherwise dead pants. Until after a few kilometers the usual procedure comes up. This time a large-caliber machine gun is being positioned on a trailer. Photos and videos are strictly forbidden. Striking: Since our arrival in the Ukraine last Thursday, the barricades around Lviv have become more and more powerful. The city will now become a (hopefully) impregnable fortress! “Barricades and similar military precautions may not be filmed or photographed. That is strictly forbidden!” the lady in the international press center told us the day before with a serious expression. Unfortunately, this message reached us too late, “Krone” photographer Sepp Pail had already been busy. But during the subsequent on-site inspection at the international airport, the smart “Krone-007” is also at his wits end. It’s over about 800 meters before the closed airport, a huge construction made of sandbags puts an abrupt end to our trip. “It’s war, you can’t go any further,” says the soldier in a friendly but firm manner.!function(){“use strict”;window.addEventListener(“message”,(function(e){if(void 0!==[“datawrapper-height”]){var t=document.querySelectorAll(“iframe”);for(var a in[“datawrapper-height”])for(var r=0;r
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