Arrested for drunk driving, he confesses to a murder committed a few months earlier

A man was arrested for drunk driving on Sunday July 9 in Paris. Arrived at the police station, he is recognized by a policeman and admits to being a wanted murderer.

“It was I who killed little Samir in the parking lot… You did well to catch me because I was fed up.” It is with this unexpected admission that the police custody of a man, arrested on Sunday July 9 for drunk driving, took a turn. At first light this Sunday, a man was arrested in the north of Paris. He is charged with drunken driving, contempt and driving without a license. Initially, he underwent several examinations, all morning, to ensure that his state of health allowed him to be kept in police custody. Around noon, a policeman from the reception of the 18th arrondissement police station passes by, and recognizes the man in question. It is a certain Kamel, not at all the name given by the suspect when he arrived.

The famous Kamel, the officer knows him well. His photo has been displayed since March in all police stations of France. And for good reason: he is wanted for murder. Quickly, he admits his crime, and admits to having killed Samir, another young man, in a parking lot several months ago. He had since been on the run.

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A sordid crime

The murder in question, that of Samir, had taken place in March. One night without an underground car park in Goutte-d’Or, a working-class neighborhood in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, a fight breaks out. Kamel and his older brother are involved. During this brawl, Samir will have his skull shattered with a helmet. The two brothers run away.

The eldest of the two will be found a month later. On April 17, he surrenders himself to the investigators. He admitted his involvement, was indicted and then placed in pre-trial detention, where he is still currently according to information collected by AFP. In the current state of research, Samir would have been involved in a burglary at the parents of Kamel and his brother a few years ago. An assertion of the elder which has not yet been demonstrated.

Society/Sex/Psycho Journalist

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