Article 1 of the Liot bill not debated? Manuel Bompard denounces a “democratic robbery”

Is this the last chance for the opposition to repeal the pension reform? This Sunday morning, the implementing decree on raising the retirement age to 64 was published in the Official Journal, but the debates are continuing. Thursday, June 8 will be discussed in the National Assembly the bill of the group Freedoms, Independents, Overseas and Territories (Liot) to repeal the reform. But the text that the deputies should debate will be very different from the initial bill of the Liot group: last Wednesday, the Social Affairs Committee of the National Assembly indeed decided to reject article 1, which provided for repeal the increase in the retirement age to 64 years. A vote which therefore empties the text of its main article and which angered the deputies of the Nupes.

Guest this Sunday of the Grand Rendez-vous d’Europe 1 / CNews / Les Échos, Manuel Bompard, the coordinator of rebellious France and deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône spoke on the subject and denounces a “democratic robbery”, considering that “it would be amazing if we could not vote on this pension reform”.

“A vote in committee is not a vote in the National Assembly”

However, last Thursday, at the microphone of Europe 1, the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet confirmed that article 1 of the Liot bill had “a slight chance” of being on the order of the day on June 8, and therefore to be debated by the deputies. An inconceivable situation for the coordinator of insubordinate France. “All parliamentary case law is very clear on the subject. When a text of law has been deemed admissible and it is the President of the National Assembly who has deemed it admissible, how can the text of the law be restored to its current state? would be inadmissible when the initial text was admissible?”, he wonders. “There was a vote in committee, but a vote in committee is not a vote in the National Assembly. And for a very simple reason, it is that the committee was not in the image of the complete hemicycle.”

For Manuel Bompard, “there must be a vote on Thursday. And if the President of the National Assembly does not want to allow there to be a vote on Thursday, she will take on a very heavy responsibility”, insists. he, while a new day of mobilization against the pension reform will take place this Tuesday. “I think that we must further increase the level of popular pressure to allow the examination in the National Assembly on Thursday. It would still be mind-blowing if we could not vote on this pension reform”, he insists. .

The “battle” against pension reform “will never end”

“When the Liot group says, in its parliamentary niche, that it is going to put in place a repeal law so that the Assembly can vote, the government multiplies the maneuvers, the intimidations, the muddles, the pressures to prevent the deputies to vote. It’s unacceptable, it’s unbearable”, continues Manuel Bompard.

Regardless of the outcome of the debates Thursday in the National Assembly, for Manuel Bompard, the pension reform is not behind us. “As long as there is a possibility of reversing pension reform, I will continue to fight and I am sure that there are hundreds and millions of people in this country who will continue to fight. In the end, they prevent us from voting, if in the end, they prevent us from being able to express ourselves freely, we will continue to fight and in the next elections, we will defend pension reform and the return to retirement at 60. This battle, it will continue all the time, it will never stop”, he concludes at the microphone of the Grand Rendez-vous.

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