Artificial intelligence: Google Assistant integrates Bard, for what changes?

Camille Coirault

October 8, 2023 at 12:30 p.m.


Google Assistant © Temitiman /

Google’s voice assistant © Temitiman /

Google Assistant is already one of the most effective voice assistants on the market. This will soon evolve, very logically integrating the Bard model into its operation.

Compared to its competitors like Alexa from Amazon, or the oldest of all, Siri from Apple (which is also in the process of improving), Google Assistant has always remained a step ahead. It understands natural language very easily, launches its searches from Google’s huge database, it is compatible with many platforms and is very easy to customize. Updated very regularly since 2016, it quickly rose to first place among voice assistants. Google has just announced that Bard will soon be integrated into it to make it even more powerful.

The mix of classic functions and automatic generation

If Google Assistant and Bard merge, it is to give the best of themselves. With this idea, this new assistant would combine its old functions – sending text messages, questions, home automation management – with more advanced functionalities enabled by AI. To illustrate this clever mix, Google showed how Bard managed to put together a shopping list for a special evening, with a list of ingredients for cooking smoothies only. The result can then be exported using Google Doc to share everything more easily. The possibilities imaginable are almost endless.

Google Bard © Shutterstock

Google’s AI model, Bard © Shutterstock

Extensive integration with the Google ecosystem

One of Google’s strengths is the scale of its application ecosystem. Incorporating Bard into Google Assistant will also be synonymous with even further integration of it throughout the company’s service network. It will obviously be connected to Gmail, but will also offer features related to image editing, only on Android. The biggest highlight of this innovation is that it will be the first of its kind. In fact, at the moment, no phone on the market natively integrates such an advanced system.

Planned to work on both Android and IOS, this new assistant will also be completely free. Thanks to the combination of the old Google Assistant functions and the Bard model, the result will certainly be very convincing. On the other hand, the theme of personal data, their conservation by Google and their subsequent use will always remain a subject on which we should not turn our backs.


Google Bard

  • A powerful generation model
  • A knowledge base updated in real time
  • Free and integrated into the Google ecosystem

Google Bard stands out as an AI chatbot intrinsically connected to the web, from which it draws the majority of its knowledge. The main advantage of the service is that it is completely free and offers image recognition. The gradual integration into the Google ecosystem should make it a most capable chatbot for a variety of tasks.

Google Bard stands out as an AI chatbot intrinsically connected to the web, from which it draws the majority of its knowledge. The main advantage of the service is that it is completely free and offers image recognition. The gradual integration into the Google ecosystem should make it a most capable chatbot for a variety of tasks.

Source : XDA Developers

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