Artificial intelligence: why are the United States and Europe negotiating an agreement?

Samir Rahmoun

January 30, 2023 at 12:45 p.m.


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The European Union and the United States want to work together on the development of artificial intelligence.

Both parties want to be able to build synergies that will allow them to develop more powerful artificial intelligence models. To do this, data sharing could be decided. But not under any condition.

Agriculture, health, climate forecasts…

Artificial intelligence is in fashion. But its use goes well beyond the only prowess observed in a ChatGPT. This is well aware of the leaders of the United States and the European Union, who announce that they are currently discussing an agreement on AI.

This would be extensive, since it will focus on improving artificial intelligence techniques in many areas such as agriculture, health, climate forecasts, emergency responses and the management of electricity networks. .

The two giants want to be able to share their data, the fuel of the algorithms, and thus be able to have more material to feed their artificial intelligences. The goal will be to improve the speed and efficiency of government services, but without moving the data of each entity.

Data stays at home

Indeed, the model is not that of the Privacy Shield, recently relaunched and which should allow the transfer of European data to the United States. ” The magic here is to build common patterns while leaving the data where it is “Explains an official to Reuters.

The US data stays in the US, and the European data stays there, but we can build a model that talks to European and US data “, he summarizes. What surely make it easier to apply the agreement which would include fewer questions of confidentiality.

For the moment, the agreement only concerns the United States and the European Commission. The 27 EU states are not yet parties. They will, according to the same source, be invited to the table in the coming months.

Source : Reuters

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