Ashley Graham Reveals Her Twins’ Names With Sweet Breastfeeding Photo


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This Thursday, February 10, Ashley Graham revealed the names of her twins by sharing a first intimate photo since their birth.

Already the mother of a little Isaac born in January 2020, Ashley Graham shared an adorable video on her Instagram account last July to announce a new pregnancy. A few weeks later, she shared her astonishment through the video of an ultrasound: she was expecting, not one, but two babies! Ashley Graham and her husband Justin Ervin welcomed their twins on January 7.

Following a home birth, the model announced on her social networks: “Justin and I are so excited to have our baby boys here. They were born early this morning at home and are happy and healthy. I’m taking time to recover and connect with my husband and three boys, but I can’t wait to share more with you all.”. The opportunity also for her to reveal the names of her newborns: Malachi and Roman.

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See the post on Ashley Graham’s Instagram account

It hasn’t been easy, but it’s always worth it

The young woman, who recently delivered valuable advice to live her pregnancy as peacefully as possible, therefore shared with us a sweet and intimate moment. In this sublime shot for three, we see the mother installed on a sofa, carrying one of her children while she breastfeeds the other, a tender look on him. A sweet message accompanies the photograph: “Malachi & Roman, my boys have been the best teachers and the greatest reminders that I can do the hard stuff.

If she begins to talk about her difficulties, Ashley Graham specifies that she will say more quickly: “It hasn’t been easy, but it’s always worth it. I can’t believe I have 3 children. I look forward to sharing my birth and postpartum journey with you all soon.” Her husband did not fail to respond to his publication with a nice statement: “Prouder of you than words can express”.

Lina Bensafi

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