Asparagus harvest: what happens without helpers?

Many hectares of asparagus are waiting in the fields in Germany to be harvested. But who should do that? This is a question that many asparagus growers are currently dealing with. Because thousands of harvest workers are currently missing. The reason is the corona virus pandemic and the associated entry freeze for Germany. In addition, many Eastern European countries, from where the majority of seasonal workers come, have closed their borders.

"It's 5 past 12!"

The situation is serious, says Andreas Jende, managing director of the Berlin-Brandenburg Horticultural Association. And the asparagus harvest had not yet started. "It is actually five past twelve, you have to say that very clearly. The pressure to act is enormous. The asparagus growers work under extreme tension because now, in addition to activating the workforce, many other processes have to be started. That increases the pressure to act all the more and since it is currently completely indefinite, like the workers, where they can come from, the tension is of course enormous. " Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner spoke of a hard blow for the agricultural families after the recent entry restrictions. One has to think about how to deal with the difficult situation. "In March, around 30,000 seasonal workers are usually needed, it's not just about the asparagus harvest. It's also about sowing, it's about planting. And in May, the need increases by about 80,000."

Help search online

Efforts are being made to recruit domestic workers via internet platforms. The use of asylum seekers is also under discussion. The asparagus growers point out, however, that working in the fields is more difficult and strenuous than many would think. Not everyone can sting asparagus that easily.