“Assassin”: insulted by an elected LFI, Dussopt found Le Pen “much more republican” than a “part of the left”

The leader of the RN deputies had ordered her troops to stand up in support of the Minister of Labour.

The episode remains as one of the most significant of these debates. On February 13, it was in a seething hemicycle examining the pension reform that the rebellious deputy, Aurélien Saintoul, allowed himself a difference of language. Describing Olivier Dussopt as “assassin“, he arouses the bronca of the deputies present. Immediately, elected from the majority, but also from the Republicans and the National Rally, stood up to applaud the Minister of Labour. Two weeks later, the latter returns to this scene in the columns of the World . He assumes to have found,in that moment“, Marine Le Pen “much more republican than many others», and in particular that a «part of the left“.

The incident had indeed divided internally, quickly leading communists, socialists and environmentalists to dissociate themselves from the remarks of their colleague LFI. PCF elected official André Chassaigne even said to himself “humiliatedby the scene. The right had on the contrary been unanimous in its protest, and Marine Le Pen had ordered his troops to stand up.

TO HAVE ALSO – “You insulted me for 15 days!”: Olivier Dussopt gets angry with LFI deputies at the end of the pension debates


According The world, Olivier Dussopt would have even crossed, thereafter, the leader of the RN in the corridors of the Palais Bourbon. He then said to her,thank you for your words“, to which the chosen one would have replied: “It’s normal“.

This outing, however, did not please some members of the Nupes. Starting with the rebellious Thomas Portes, who commented on Twitter in these terms: “Dishonor. Shame. The infamy.» «After Macron, the first president to salute the fascist Meloni, Dussopt who waxes the pumps of Le Pen“, can we still read on the account of the elected official of Seine-Saint-Denis. The same who had let himself be photographed a few weeks ago, his foot resting on a football bearing the image of Olivier Dussopt.

For his part, the boss of the RN, Jordan Bardella, also reacted on BFMTV / RMC Monday morning. The MEP first referred to his party as “the most serious and credible opposition to this piece of legislation in the National Assembly“. The elected official then affirmed that he considered that “the people who sit on the benches of the presidential majority are not enemies but political adversaries“.

TO HAVE ALSO – Pensions: Aurélien Pradié accuses Olivier Dussopt of “doing crossword puzzles” in the National Assembly

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