Assassin’s Creed Black Flag: the pirates return in a remake of one of the best games of the license

Released in 2013 and the fourth installment in Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed franchise, “Black Flag” was set during the golden age of piracy in the Caribbean. A great opus, adored by fans, which is the subject of a remake.


The best soups are often made in old pots. The publisher Ubisoft has understood this since it would be, according to information on the site Kotakucurrently working on a remake ofAssassin’s Creed: Black Flag. An installment of the Assassin’s Creed franchise loved by many fans.

Released in October 2013, the game took place in 1715 in the Caribbean, during the golden age of piracy – hence the famous black flag quoted in the title. When he was hoisted on the mast, it was a sign that the fight would be fierce and merciless…

Players took control of a character named Edward Kenway, traveling the seas aboard his ship, between explorations and naval combat. The opportunity also to cross paths with legendary pirates, such as Blackbeard.

It looked like this:

According to sources (wanting to remain anonymous) from Kotaku, this remake would only be at the very beginning of its development, and would be at least partially developed within the Singapore-based studio Ubisoft. It will therefore be necessary to arm yourself with patience to be able to play it.

In a cruel irony, it is this same studio, which worked precisely on the part of the (tremendous) naval combats of Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, which has been working hard for years on Skulls & Bones.

A multiplayer game whose core gameplay is based on these maritime battles. Announced for years, plunged into the abyss of development hellit should finally be released perhaps at the end of the year or in 2024, the publisher having not yet communicated on this.

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