Assassin’s Creed: Desmond’s Saga was supposed to have a completely different ending

During several episodes, the story of Desmond, which has been called the metahistory ofAssassin’s Creed, was one of the most captivating points for fans of the saga, before it was set back in the opuses that followed Assassin’s Creed III. Many fans have not digested this end a little too abrupt for all this part of the scenario, and if we are to believe Lars deWildt, a researcher focused on conspiracy theories, religions and other beliefs in media culture, this ending was not what was originally intended.

Beware of spoilers, here we will come back to the end of several episodes of Assassin’s Creed, including Assassin’s Creed III.

A spatial delirium that has gone in a completely different direction

The researcher, whose study was relayed by Eurogamer, was able to speak with a few employees who worked on the titles in question, in particular, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood and Assassin’s Creed III, of which Patrice Desilets Where Alex Hutchinson. He was then able to have some revelations concerning the initial end of the “trilogy” (which actually includes 5 games), which is very different from the one we know.

In this Desmond saga ending, which was really meant to be a trilogy (before the success of the first two episodes changed that), our modern-day hero had to leave Earth aboard some kind of spaceship. Yes, a spaceship, because, after all, why not. All this after eliminating Abstergo and fleeing the 2012 apocalypse, while taking Lucy with him, who would be here alive. The two friends would then have formed a couple like Adam and Eve (who are mentioned many times in the saga) with the hope of building a new human civilization on another planet.

Inevitably, it would have been very difficult for Ubisoft to chain the episodes following such a scenario, except by rebooting the series or by multiplying the prequels. The final script will have been quite different, and even if the end ofAssassin’s Creed III can still be debated, we can say to ourselves that we have escaped worse.

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